PastPreserver: A Personalized AI Approach to Assist Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease

Errett Mackey
5 min readJun 12, 2023


Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative brain disorder affecting millions worldwide. Its significant impacts include progressive memory loss, which often erodes an individual’s personal history and sense of identity. To address this challenge, we propose PastPreserver: a platform designed to assist individuals with Alzheimer’s disease in maintaining their sense of self and personal history.

PastPreserver leverages the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) to construct a personalized conversational AI, trained on an individual’s personal data. This includes past writings, messages, and social media posts, aiming to mirror their linguistic patterns, knowledge, and experiences.

The objective of PastPreserver is to serve as an interactive memory aid, offering personalized responses based on the individual’s historical data. By doing so, PastPreserver can help individuals recall their personal histories and maintain their sense of identity, thereby potentially enhancing their quality of life and reducing the emotional stress associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

By marrying artificial intelligence with healthcare, PastPreserver presents a novel approach to memory recall and self-awareness support. Recognizing the significant ethical, privacy, and technical considerations involved in such a project, we are committed to addressing these issues in a responsible and sensitive manner. Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of PastPreserver could be transformative for individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease.

This concept paper will further explore the problem at hand, current management methods, our proposed solution through PastPort, ethical considerations, potential challenges, and the anticipated impact of this initiative.

Reclaiming Identity: Introducing PastPreserver, a Beacon of Hope for Those Living with Alzheimer’s Disease

Each of us carries a unique tapestry of memories, experiences, and relationships that define who we are. But imagine a day when your own tapestry begins to unravel, each thread of memory slipping away, and you find yourself standing in front of a loved one, a friend, or even a mirror, asking the haunting question, “Who am I?” This is the poignant and often terrifying reality for millions around the world living with Alzheimer’s disease. Stripped of their past, they are left adrift in an unfamiliar present, constantly grappling with a fading sense of self.

In this unsettling journey, one of the most distressing aspects is the fear of forgetting and the embarrassment of having to ask others about their own personal history. This is where PastPreserver steps in, promising a beacon of hope, a comforting presence, a private and patient companion that is always ready to remind them of who they are.

PastPreserver is a pioneering platform that harnesses the power of advanced artificial intelligence to create a personalized conversational AI, a digital echo of an individual’s past self. By using an individual’s own words, thoughts, and experiences as the threads to reweave their fraying tapestry, PastPreserver provides a tool for individuals to independently explore their personal histories, thereby rekindling their connection to their own identities.

With PastPreserver, the individuals with Alzheimer’s disease no longer have to face the discomfort or embarrassment of asking others about their past. They have at their fingertips a gentle guide that recalls their past with the patience of a devoted friend. The goal of PastPreserver is not just to help them remember who they were, but to reassure them of who they are, every moment of every day.

The journey ahead is not without challenges. From complex ethical and privacy considerations to technological hurdles, we recognize the path is steep. Yet, we believe that the potential impact of PastPreserver — its capacity to transform lives, to offer comfort, to restore dignity and autonomy — makes the journey worthwhile.

What Do We Do Now?

Today’s Alzheimer’s management primarily revolves around medication, cognitive training, and lifestyle changes, all aimed at slowing disease progression and managing symptoms. However, these approaches offer limited relief from one of the most distressing aspects of Alzheimer’s: the loss of personal memories and identity. Existing memory aids, like photo albums or personal journals, can be helpful but are passive and often reliant on caregiver assistance.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly Large Language Models (LLMs), offers a promising avenue to address this issue. LLMs have shown remarkable capacity for understanding and generating human-like text, providing the potential to create a more interactive, personalized memory aid. There have been encouraging developments in AI-driven health care solutions, such as AI chatbots for mental health support, hinting at the vast potential AI holds in this arena.

Our initiative, PastPreserver, aims to tap into this potential, leveraging LLMs to create a personalized conversational AI that can help those with Alzheimer’s reconnect with their own past and identity in a more engaging and independent way.

How Can PastPreserver Help?

PastPreserver holds the promise of transforming the lives of individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease. By providing a personalized and interactive memory aid, it can potentially enhance their quality of life by fostering a stronger sense of self and

continuity. It offers them a private space where they can explore their past without fear or embarrassment, promoting dignity and independence.

In addition, PastPreserver could alleviate some of the emotional burdens often shouldered by caregivers. With a reliable tool that assists in memory recall, caregivers may find more time to focus on other aspects of care, potentially reducing stress and promoting better mental health for both parties.

Finally, the successful implementation of PastPreserver will further establish the use of AI in healthcare, opening doors to a wealth of future innovations. It presents a pioneering approach in managing Alzheimer’s and could set a precedent for similar initiatives in the future.


PastPreserver symbolizes an exciting fusion of artificial intelligence and healthcare, offering a novel approach to confronting the memory loss and identity erosion experienced by those living with Alzheimer’s disease. Our vision is to create a personalized AI companion that can bring comfort, autonomy, and dignity to these individuals, while simultaneously easing caregiver stress.

The road ahead is laden with challenges, but the potential impact of PastPreserver — the promise it holds to transform lives — makes every hurdle worth overcoming. Critical to our journey will be further research, assembling a dedicated team, and securing the necessary funding, all geared towards making PastPreserver a reality.

As we embark on this pioneering path, we invite you to join us. Follow our journey, share our triumphs and trials, and witness first-hand the evolution of PastPreserver. Your support, your feedback, and your shared belief in the potential of AI to change lives can be a powerful force in propelling this venture forward.

Join us as we step boldly into the future of Alzheimer’s care, breaking new ground and building hope. With PastPreserver, we are not just creating a product; we are crafting a compassionate companion, a testament to the power of technology to enhance human lives. Be part of our journey, be part of the revolution. Follow PastPreservers development and join us in bringing this vision to life.

If you would like to help, feel free to reach out!

