Factors to Consider when Teaching English Learners

Understanding their experiences is essential to providing effective support and helping them achieve their learning goals.

3 min readApr 11, 2023

English learners are one of the fastest growing student population. They come from a wide variety of backgrounds, with diverse unique experiences that impact their language acquisition. They have unique learning needs and face specific challenges when it comes to acquiring English proficiency.

Understanding the characteristics and experiences of English learners is essential to provide effective support and resources to help them achieve their language learning goals. Some characteristics that impact how each English learner picks up English include age, language background, educational background, motivation, and socioeconomic status.


Young learners, particularly those in elementary school, can easily achieve proficiency and mastery of a new language, due to their developing cognitive abilities and a natural ability to acquire language. However, older learners have more experience and knowledge to draw from, which can make learning English easier in some ways.

Language Background

English learners already understand, speak and most times are literate in other languages — including Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic, among others. This background can have a significant impact on the learner’s ability to learn English, as some languages share similar grammatical structures or vocabulary with English, while others are vastly different. In addition, learners who speak languages that use different writing systems may face additional challenges when learning English.

Prior Educational

A number of English learners may already have received a formal education in their home language, while others may have had little or no formal education. Those with a formal education in their home language may have an advantage in learning English, as they have already developed study habits and a familiarity with the learning process. However, learners with less formal education may struggle with the academic aspects of English language learning.

Socioeconomic Status

Learners from lower socioeconomic backgrounds may have less access to resources such as language classes or tutors, which can make learning the language more challenging. Additionally, learners from lower socioeconomic backgrounds may face other challenges that impact their ability to learn, such as housing instability or lack of access to technology.


A key factor in picking up a language, students who are motivated to learn will most likely be more successful than those who lack motivation. Motivation can come from a variety of sources, such as a desire to improve job prospects, a desire to communicate with English-speaking friends or family members, or a personal interest in learning the language. Motivation can be a powerful tool, as it can help learners overcome obstacles and stay focused on their goals.

In conclusion, English learners in our nation come from diverse backgrounds, which impacts how they learn. As educators and community members, it is important to recognize and understand these characteristics in order to support English learners in their language acquisition journey. By providing access to resources and support, we can help English learners achieve their language learning goals and succeed in school and beyond.

