Personal and Professional Vision Statement Submitted By Ervin Ahbabovic Paulus

Ervin Ahbabovic
2 min readMay 30, 2022


My personal and professional vision priorities are to be a loving husband and good father first, an ethical entrepreneur second, and to practice active citizenship third.

A loving, supportive husband can help create a family and home that is caring, peaceful, nurturing, and lasting. A husband and wife should take their responsibilities to their marriage very seriously. Together with my spouse, I want to raise happy, healthy children and support their moral, intellectual, ethical, and social growth. I want my children to grow up to be good responsible human beings and citizens.

Furthermore I want to advance my educational standards to the highest level or precisely a Doctorate of Philosophy whereby I can retain my business enrollment in various Industry fields. Utilizing my educational portfolio I believe in fastest advancement not only in various industry sectors but also on social networking's. I will attend national conferences, join national organizations, and create a network of colleagues and mentors to facilitate my personal and professional growth and advancement.

I intend to be on various company boards especially member of international boards of Companies. I have witnessed ups and falls of numerous business establishments through out my career and I need to ensure that such unfortunate experiences doesn’t occur in my life. As for my naturalization part I have clear vision of myself being exemplary and law abiding citizen of Republic of Indonesia only. I do not see why every citizen cannot give back to his or her community what community or state given to them. I feel that is of paramount importance for every native citizen and especially for a naturalized person.

Community members can provide resources, connections, and active support. This active support can be donating your money, your time, and/or your expertise.



Ervin Ahbabovic

“Ervin Ahbabovic personal achievements will continue through coming years and not only in field of Hospitality but also in humanitarian work whereby Ervin Paul