To the first cat I ever loved

maryxeir ✯
2 min readJun 28, 2024


A part of me died with you that day.

Photo from Pinterest

In the silence of the night, all I could ever think was you— you who passed away a long time ago. You were my first introduction to the world of quiet companionship of cats. When you gave me a gentle sniff during our first meeting, I knew we were off to a purrfect start.

How are you? Are you okay up there? I miss you everyday.

Whenever I mention your name to my brother, he always says with a quiet reassurance, “I’m sure he’s okay now. He’s in a better place.” I hope you truly are. I hope you’ve found peace and happiness in a place beyond our reach.

Losing you was not just losing a pet; it was losing a part of myself. I still vividly remember how you left me broken, how I held you until your last moments, and how I watched with a heavy heart. That day, I mourned for you and cried myself to sleep. It was heartbreaking, to say the least.

If it weren’t for you, I probably wouldn’t love cats the way I do today. Your soft purrs were the sweetest lullaby to my ears, nothing but the sounds coming from you to disturb the silence of the quiet evenings as I drifted to sleep. Your presence alone brought a calm I had never known before, like a warm embrace I never knew I needed.

You taught me the beauty of companionship without words, the quiet understanding that comes from being there. Sure, you weren’t the cuddliest cat out there, but you tolerated us better enough not to scratch us as often.

There were days like this where I remember you and your presence. The places where you used to sleep, the spots where you loved to play, and the cold tiles where you used to lay. I wanted to held you, to see you, and hug you. Moments that I wanted to hear you purr and feel your soft fur in my skin.

You were my first love, my first soulmate, and unfortunately, my first heartbreak too. Although you are no longer here with me, the bond we shared continues to resonate with me. Even now, your influence still lingers, shaping my love for cats and the comfort they bring.

To the first cat who stole my heart, thank you for bringing me comfort when you were still alive. Your hooman loved you, loves you, and will always love you. May you find endless spots to nap in and may our paths cross again in another time and place.

Goodnight, my little one. I hope I can see you in my dreams tonight.

Warm hugs for everyone.



maryxeir ✯

a pre-med student basking in the essence of art and life ࿐