Fire service leadership constructs

Eric Saylors
2 min readDec 12, 2019


Below you will find tenets of leadership divided into sections: a leadership overview, attributes of leaders, levels of leadership, conditions of leadership, and finally the desired outcomes of quality leadership.

· You are responsible for what you crew does or fails to do.

· Leaders inspire and influence people to accomplish the organizational goals.

· Leaders motivate people inside and outside the chain of command to pursue actions, focus thinking, and shape decisions for the greater good of the organization.

· Leading is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization.

Attributes of a leader


· Empathy

· Service ethos

· Discipline


· Professional Bearing

· Fitness

· Confidence

· Resilience


· Mental agility

· Sound Judgment

· Innovation

· Interpersonal tact

· Expertise


· Leads others

· Builds trust

· Extends influence beyond the chain of command

· Leads by example

· Communicates


· Creates a positive environment

· Prepares self

· Develops others

· Stewards the profession


· Gets results

Levels of leadership

· Direct — refines ability to apply competencies at a professional level

· Organizational — apply competencies to increasingly complex situations

· Situational — actions adjusted to complex uncertain environments

Conditions of leadership

· Formal — designated by rank or position

· Informal — take initiate and apply special expertise when appropriate

· Collective — synergistic effects achieved with multiple leaders aligned by purpose

Desired outcome

· Sound decisions

· Expertly lead organizations

· Stewardship of resources

· Stronger families

· Fit crews

· Healthy working conditions

· Engaged firefighters and civilians

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Eric Saylors

Firefighter, futurist, instructor, Doctorate, and 3rd gen firefighter with a Masters degree in security studies from the Naval Post Graduate School