Fire service reading list

Eric Saylors
2 min readDec 12, 2019


As a starting point, I’ve assembled a list of books designed to incorporate the science of hard and soft skills. From complexity science to selectorate theory, the readers of these books will see the world through the lens of military leaders, scientists, and politicians. I scored the books on three categories, relevance to the fire service, difficulty, and academic rigor. The list is not meant to be a finish line for knowledge, but rather a starting point for growth.

Note: Extreme Ownership is used to an example of what NOT to read. It’s a fun book, but lacks any academic rigor. In essence, it is a string of really cool stories with no empirical evidence.

Extreme Ownership — Willink

Team of Teams — McChrystal

Thinking Fast and Slow — Kahneman

America Burning

The Tyranny of Metrics — Muller

One Mission — Fussell

Algorithms to Live By — Christian

The Dictators Handbook — Heller

Metaphors we Live by — Lakoff

The Black Swan — Nassim Talib

Bak’s Sand Pile — Ted Lewis

A Plague on your Houses — Deborah Wallace

Critical Infrastructure in Homeland Security — Ted Lewis

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Eric Saylors

Firefighter, futurist, instructor, Doctorate, and 3rd gen firefighter with a Masters degree in security studies from the Naval Post Graduate School