Published inAn Injustice!Black Doctors. Absolutely Necessary. Absolutely InfluentialBlack patients benefit from dealing with healthcare professionals that look like themJun 28, 20212Jun 28, 20212
Published inAn Injustice!The Importance of Black Wealth for America’s EconomyBlack people have always heavily influenced the economy’s overall condition and continue to do so.Jan 11, 2021Jan 11, 2021
Published inAn Injustice!Message To Professional Sports Leagues: ‘Keep That Same Energy’Gestures and decals supporting Black people are nice, but only just nice.Aug 18, 20201Aug 18, 20201
Published inMomentumBlack History Is American History. Don’t Neglect It.It’s time for educators to stop teaching the whitewashed and clichéd narratives to the American youth.Jul 2, 20204Jul 2, 20204
Black Squares on a Tuesday are not Fooling AnyoneRacism is negatively affecting Black people and their families daily, not just on a random Tuesday.Jun 4, 2020Jun 4, 2020
Published inAn Injustice!Opinion: Open Your Minds, Listen and Understand — You Just Might Learn SomethingBlack people in America want to be heard in any way possible right now. Listen to us and understand us.Jun 1, 2020Jun 1, 2020