Eseohe Grace Tamonokare
3 min readMay 29, 2023


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In this age and time where people pay more attention to how banging their bodies look and don’t hesitate to show it off all over social media, the image you have of yourself goes a long way in determining how far you go in life. Your body image is related to how you feel about yourself. Physically, mentally and otherwise which is connected to your emotions. It is the outward reflection of your innermost self. How you act is a measure of how you feel. When a person has a positive body image, they understand that their sense of self-worth does not depend on their appearance. Having a positive body image includes: accepting and appreciating the whole of one’s body, including how it looks and what it can do.


Below are some tips on building a positive body image.

1. Know your body: Like the saying goes “If you know what you have, you will value it”. As an individual, you need to know your body more than any other person. Its strengths, abilities, and capabilities. It will pave the way for you to appreciate yourself.

2. Avoid comparison: There is never a need to compare yourself with others because comparison only brings disappointments and negative thoughts. You were not born with another person or even if you were, your DNA won’t be an exact match except for identical twins.

3. Show some appreciation: A good place to start is to be appreciative of what God has blessed you with. You will agree with me that what you often time despise about yourself, someone somewhere is desiring it.

4. Record the positives: Record what you have been able to achieve with your body. For example, a woman that despises her bulging scar-covered stomach after giving birth should remember the fact that she carried another life for 9 whole months. You made a mini version of yourself. Give yourself accolades girl!

Photo by Taylor Smith on Unsplash

5. Commit to doing things:

This includes things that make you feel good or can in any way improve your body look like exercising, yoga, rock climbing, tennis, or other fun activities, etc

6. Don’t be afraid of the mirror: Look at yourself in the mirror and show appreciation. If you don’t appreciate yourself who will? Do not shy away from the mirror.

7. Remind yourself that true beauty entails both the interior and the exterior: Strive to develop your inner character deserving of praise or appreciation.

8. See yourself as a complete person: Do not focus on only the body parts you are not comfortable with. Other parts of you make up the complete you.

9. Surround yourself with positive people: It is easier to feel good about yourself and your body when you are around others who are supportive and who know the importance of liking yourself. Others are appreciative of you irrespective of how you think you look.

10. Revamp your dress sense: Wear clothes that complement your look. If you have large hips, avoid going for large or extra-large skirts/ trousers. If you are on the big side never wear vertical striped dresses or shirts, it will make you look bigger.

11. Do nice things for yourself once in a while: You could go for a vacation, a shopping spree, or even a massage. Something that makes you feel good and happy.

In conclusion, a positive body image leads to positive self-esteem.