ESG Sustainability Metrics

Part 2

ESG Global
1 min readOct 10, 2023

The Paris Agreement is a landmark international agreement adopted by almost all countries in 2015 to address climate change and its negative effects. The agreement is one of the efforts to keep global average temperature rises significantly below 2℃ before pre-industrialization by 2050, aimed at significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The generation of carbon dioxide and other pollutants is a major contributing factor to climate change, including the generation of electricity from the burning of fossil fuels, the power supply of vehicles (automobiles, trucks, planes), and heating of homes and buildings. Efforts to improve energy efficiency, transition to renewable energy, and transition from coal to methane provide solutions to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Companies are starting efforts to cut emissions, replacing coal with natural gas that is 85% more efficient at generating electricity. As companies make this transition and reduce emissions, carbon emissions metrics become a reliable factor in ensuring that companies reach their goals.

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