Fine Art in Graphic Design

Esha Nambiar
2 min readJul 21, 2019


Works of art usually communicate an abstract idea to a wide group of people with common interests and background and are considered to be successful only if they resonate with the viewer. Whereas design work stems from a need to communicate a pre-existing message and is specifically created for targeted audiences.

Art and Design have more in common than we think. Artists and Designers follow the same principles and theories when arranging shapes, elements, and colors in a pleasing and interesting manner. The basic difference between art and design is that good design is task-oriented and has a clear message whereas the underlying message in an art form is usually vague and is open to interpretation.

If you are a designer, every piece of collateral that you work on, be it a brochure, ebook, thank you cards or a billboard ad should tell a story about the brand. To communicate the right message to their customers, brands go through a well-defined design process. This mainly involves studying the problem at hand, diving deep into the mechanics of the problem, translating ideas into concepts, revising your designs based on user feedback, followed by getting the approval of key stake holders and signing off the project. Having a clearly defined goal and a creative brief that you and your team can agree on will help you gain more insight into how quickly you can solve a problem and improve future projects. There is no rigid rule about the kind of design process an organization should follow but it is important for the brands to recognize the platform their users interact with and evolve your process keeping your end-users in mind.

