The art of just sitting

Esha Nambiar
2 min readNov 7, 2018


The practice of zazen requires you to sit still, to be at peace with your body, mind and spirit. It makes you pay attention to the sounds in your head, your breath, the space you are in and your connection with it. — be it a human, a bird or a wall. As a beginning practitioner of zazen , I often find myself amidst the virtual noise in my head. Noticing it, getting acquainted with it, being uncomfortable with it has been quite a challenge but it has opened me up to so many possibilities the way to be.

As humans, we have an innate need to create, explore and understand the world we live in. Zazen, I think helps you explore it and understand our tiny presence in the grand scheme of things.

I took this picture right after my morning meditation, on my way back from the zen center. The sky, the trees, the road, the leaves, the bird ,the stranger across the street and a myriad of other trivial obsolete things can easily be shelved off . Now a memory, frozen in time and curated in form is sitting pretty on your screen. This I think is why we need meditation. If only to to captivate us with life and everything it has to offer.

