Sharda Peeth: A Journey to the Ancient Cultural Centre of Kashmir

Esikkim tourism
6 min readJun 9, 2023


The exquisite landscapes and rich cultural heritage of Kashmir have fascinated travelers from around the world. One of the less known yet historically significant sites in this region is the ancient learning center, Sharda Peeth. Situated in the scenic neelum Valley, Sharda Peeth was a celebrated institution in the past, serving as a beacon of knowledge and scholarship.

The Lost Jewel of Kashmir

The ancient ruins of Sharda Peeth named after the goddess of knowledge Saraswati are situated off the traditional tourist path. It’s not frequently mentioned in the places to visit in Kashmir but this site which once held a paramount position in advanced learning disciplines such as philosophy and astronomy is worth exploring for its cultural and historical value.

Reaching Sharda Peeth

Although many Kashmir holiday packages are available, accessing Sharda Peeth necessitates crossing the Line of Control (LoC) into Pakistan-administered Kashmir. This is a journey enveloped by nature’s beauty and serenity. Upon arrival, visitors are greeted by impressive ruins set against the backdrop of rolling hills and a brilliant blue river.

Exploration and Cultural Appreciation

An exploration of Sharda Peeth provides visitors with a unique opportunity to step back in time and appreciate the richness of Kashmir’s history. The remnants of the past scholars’ scholarly pursuits continue to resonate in the ancient stone walls of the structure. A visit to Sharda Peeth transcends regular tourism; it allows for an enriching cultural experience that fosters an in-depth understanding of Kashmir’s historical context.

Sharda Peeth: An Insight into the Ancient Educational and Cultural Centre of Kashmir

In the verdant valleys of Kashmir, there exists a forgotten world, an echo of the past that holds the promise of taking you on a voyage through time. Sharda Peeth, the ancient learning center, represents such a world within Kashmir. Situated in the serene ambience of the Neelum Valley, it was once an important cultural and educational hub of the Indian subcontinent.

The Historical Significance of Sharda Peeth

The historical legacy of Sharda Peeth extends far beyond the borders of Kashmir. It was named after the goddess of knowledge, Saraswati, symbolizing the importance of education and knowledge in ancient Indian society. The institution was a celebrated center for higher learning in diverse disciplines, including philosophy, astronomy, and other sciences. Its significance, however, has diminished over time, resulting in it being sidelined as one of the lesser-known places to visit in Kashmir.

The Geographical Context

The geographical location of Sharda Peeth, tucked away in the picturesque neelum Valley, adds another layer of intrigue to its story. Its access, though part of some specialized Kashmir holiday packages, requires crossing the Line of Control (LoC) into Pakistan-administered Kashmir, which enhances the sense of adventure for the modern-day explorer.

Architectural Highlights and Cultural Insights

The architectural remnants of Sharda Peeth, despite their dilapidated state, offer a fascinating glimpse into the past. The ruins, standing tall against the backdrop of verdant hills and the crystal-clear river, narrate stories of a time when scholars from various regions gathered at this center to quench their thirst for knowledge. It provides an unparalleled cultural insight into the historical era and reflects the intellectual prowess that once characterized Kashmir’s society.

A Catalyst for Regional Tourism

While popular for its breathtaking landscapes and serene environs, Kashmir also holds vast potential for cultural and heritage tourism. Sharda Peeth, with its historical and cultural significance, can serve as a catalyst for promoting such tourism. Efforts to include it in mainstream Kashmir holiday packages can not only enhance its visibility among tourists but also contribute to the larger goal of preserving and promoting Kashmir’s rich cultural heritage.

Sharda Peeth: A University Ahead of Its Time

The significance of Sharda Peeth extends beyond its existence as a center of worship. In its heyday, it was a university par excellence. Picture an institution with no boundaries, where scholars from diverse regions converged to ponder over the mysteries of the universe, philosophy, and the sciences. Sharda Peeth was truly a university ahead of its time. The ruins we see today are but mere remnants of its former glory. Yet, they bear testimony to the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom that was the hallmark of this ancient institution.

The Great Scholars of Sharda Peeth

Some of the greatest minds of the ancient world graced the halls of Sharda Peeth. Notable among them was the celebrated philosopher and logician, Adi Shankaracharya, who is believed to have studied and taught here. The teachings and philosophy propounded by these scholars still resonate in the annals of Indian philosophy and thought.

The Architectural Marvel

Sharda Peeth wasn’t just a center of intellect; it was also an architectural marvel. Despite being in ruins, it still bears signs of the majestic structure it once was. Its design reflected the aesthetic sensibilities of the time, as well as the importance given to creating conducive environments for learning. The serene surroundings further enhanced the allure of this place, making it an ideal setting for intellectual pursuits.

The Role of Sharda Peeth in Cultural Exchange

Situated at the crossroads of different cultures, Sharda Peeth played a crucial role in promoting cultural exchange. Scholars traveling from different parts of the Indian subcontinent and Central Asia brought with them diverse cultural influences, contributing to a vibrant cultural milieu. This exchange was instrumental in the evolution of regional culture and traditions.

Sharda Peeth Today: A Forgotten Treasure

Today, Sharda Peeth lies in ruins, largely forgotten and relegated to the fringes of history. Yet, there is an undeniable charm to this place. For those willing to venture beyond the conventional places to visit in Kashmir, Sharda Peeth offers a unique insight into the intellectual and cultural legacy of the region.

To stand amidst the ruins of what was once a beacon of knowledge is a humbling experience. It is a stark reminder of the transience of human endeavors and the enduring value of knowledge and wisdom.


As we delve deeper into the narrative of Sharda Peeth, we realize that it is not just an ancient relic; it is a symbol of our intellectual heritage. Its story is interwoven with the cultural and intellectual history of Kashmir and the wider Indian subcontinent.

So, the next time you are contemplating Kashmir holiday packages, consider including a visit to Sharda Peeth. It may not feature prominently in the usual tourist brochures, but the journey to this forgotten treasure is sure to be a rewarding one.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Where is Sharda Peeth located? Sharda Peeth is located in the Neelum Valley in Pakistan-administered Kashmir.
  2. What is the historical significance of Sharda Peeth? Sharda Peeth was once a revered center for higher learning in ancient India, attracting scholars from all over the subcontinent.
  3. How can I visit Sharda Peeth? While it’s included in some specialized Kashmir holiday packages, visiting Sharda Peeth typically involves crossing the LoC into Pakistan-administered Kashmir.
  4. What can I expect to see at Sharda Peeth? The ancient ruins of the learning center stand amidst the breathtaking beauty of the valley. It’s a step back in time.
  5. Can I visit Sharda Peeth any time of the year? The best time to visit Sharda Peeth is during the summer months when the weather is mild and the valley is in full bloom.
  6. Are there other places to visit in Kashmir near Sharda Peeth? Absolutely! Nearby, you’ll find the tranquil Sharda Forest, the stunning Sharda Temple, and the serene Neelum River, to name a few.
  7. Is it safe to visit Sharda Peeth? While there might be restrictions due to geopolitical reasons, it is generally safe to visit Sharda Peeth. However, always check current travel advisories before planning your trip.

