Pinnedesir kingsinThe Andela WayCreating a Django API using Django Rest Framework APIViewAn API(Application Programming Interface) is a software that allows two applications to talk to each other. In this blog, we will be…Nov 6, 201831Nov 6, 201831
esir kingsinAWS TipHow we achieved 99% Faster database queries via database indexingThe SystemSep 23, 20222Sep 23, 20222
esir kingsinThe Andela WayMachine Monitoring tool using python from scratch.A monitoring tool is a tool that lets us see the status of a machine at a specific point in time. The status we can be looking for…Oct 15, 20193Oct 15, 20193
esir kingsinThe Andela WayCreating a DjangoRest API using DjangoRestFramework part 2.This is the second part of a series. The first part can be found here. In this part, we will recreate the Blog API that we created in the…Dec 12, 201818Dec 12, 201818
esir kingsMy Adaptations on Challenges faced During Andela Boot-Camp So farAfter receiving an invitation to the boot-camp, I knew that was a chance given to me to become a world class developer, I knew it would…Sep 4, 2017Sep 4, 2017
esir kingsInteresting attributes of some team mates and LFA I proactively interacted with within one weekFrom sending messages hundreds of kilometers away to having coffee together with a fellow BootCamper, I can for sure say that I have come…Aug 31, 2017Aug 31, 2017
esir kingsMy Experience in Andela Bootcamp so FarEvery day an intense pressure is building up each moment due to the fact that the challenges are becoming tough each day. The challenges…Aug 30, 2017Aug 30, 2017
esir kingsMy Experience in Andela Boot-campLearning for sure is hard work, but everything you learn is yours and will make subsequent learning easier. This is a quote that’s dawning…Aug 29, 2017Aug 29, 2017
esir kingsWhat A Challenging Learning Experience.Having completed university just a few months ago, with lots of pressure first amounting from yourself and also from your parents, these…Aug 28, 2017Aug 28, 2017
esir kingsAndela ChallengesEver got stuck in an elevator due to power failure while going to an exam, interview or something? if so then you had 2 options. Scream…Apr 13, 2017Apr 13, 2017