Recommender Systems Best Practices

Sahel Eskandar
4 min readMar 2, 2023


Recommender systems are machine learning algorithms that analyze user behaviour and item features to make personalized recommendations. There are several types of recommender systems algorithms and methods, including:

Applied ML Algorithms
  1. Collaborative filtering: Collaborative filtering is based on the idea that if two users have similar preferences for items, they are likely to have similar preferences for new items. Collaborative filtering can be done in two ways: user-based and item-based. User-based collaborative filtering uses the ratings of similar users to predict a user’s rating, while item-based collaborative filtering uses the similarity between items to make recommendations.
  2. Content-based filtering: Content-based filtering recommends items similar to those a user has liked in the past based on the attributes of the items, such as keywords or tags. For example, if a user has liked several action movies, a content-based recommender system would recommend other action movies.
  3. Hybrid recommender systems: Hybrid recommender systems combine collaborative filtering and content-based filtering to make more accurate recommendations. Hybrid systems can use the strengths of both approaches to overcome the weaknesses of each.
  4. Knowledge-based recommender systems: Knowledge-based recommender systems use knowledge about the domain or user preferences to make recommendations. For example, a knowledge-based system for a restaurant might recommend dishes based on the user’s dietary restrictions or food preferences.
  5. Matrix factorization: Matrix factorization is a type of collaborative filtering that factorizes the user-item rating matrix into two low-dimensional matrices. The resulting matrices can be used to predict missing ratings and make recommendations.
  6. Deep learning recommender systems: Deep learning-based recommender systems use neural networks to learn user and item representations and make personalized recommendations. These systems can handle large and complex datasets and are becoming increasingly popular.
Photo by Redd F on Unsplash

Recommender System Applications:

The working of recommender systems typically involves the following steps:

  1. Collect data: The first step is to collect data on user behaviour and item features. This data is used to train the machine learning algorithm.
  2. Preprocessing: The data is cleaned, normalized, and transformed to prepare it for analysis.
  3. Training: The machine learning algorithm is trained on the preprocessed data to learn patterns and make predictions.
  4. Evaluation: The algorithm’s performance is evaluated using metrics such as precision, recall, and accuracy.
  5. Deployment: The algorithm is deployed in a production environment and used to make personalized recommendations for users.

Recommender System can help businesses provide better recommendations and improve customer satisfaction.

The choice of algorithm for a recommender system depends on the characteristics of the dataset and the specific goals of the analysis. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a recommender system algorithm:

  1. Sparsity: If the user-item matrix is very sparse (i.e., many users have rated only a few items), collaborative filtering algorithms may not perform well. In this case, content-based or hybrid approaches may be more effective.
  2. Cold start problem: If a new user or item has no ratings or features, collaborative filtering algorithms cannot make recommendations. Knowledge-based or content-based approaches may be more effective in this case.
  3. Scalability: Some recommender system algorithms may not scale well to large datasets or real-time recommendation scenarios. In these cases, matrix factorization or deep learning-based approaches may be more effective.
  4. Domain knowledge: Knowledge-based approaches are useful when there is domain knowledge available that can be used to make recommendations. For example, a knowledge-based recommender system for a music app might use the user’s favourite artists and genres to make recommendations.
  5. Performance metrics: Different recommender system algorithms perform differently on different performance metrics, such as precision, recall, and F1 score. The choice of an algorithm should be based on the metric that is most important for the specific use case.

It’s important to test different algorithms and evaluate their performance on the specific dataset and performance metrics of interest to choose the most effective algorithm for the particular use case.

Photo by Jason Strull on Unsplash

Sample Recommender System Project:

The completed sample project is asking for a user-item recommendation system. This project provides us with binary synthetic data for 28 items and 100 users. Data includes liked (a binary label) and x (a covariate value) reflecting user preferences. A signal has added to raw data so that it to be detected and be removed before processing.

After visualizing the user-item-liked matrix, diagonal patterns are detected and removed from the data before any analysis. To find the item-item relationship, mean-centred cosine is a good starting point. A Cosine similarity measures the similarity between two sequences of numbers by looking into the cos⁡〖(θ)〗 of two vectors, A and B.

Different algorithms were applied and compared. The following table represents the accuracy and processing time of the applied ML methods.

Neural Network (Deep-Learning) was applied, and the model was trained and tested. To overcome overfitting, the model should be tested for different hyperparameters. You can find the Jupiter notebook for the project in the GitHub repo:

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Sahel Eskandar

Data Scientist | Ph.D. Teaching and working with people brings me a sense of purpose. I believe in systems! Motivated to create a better one!