The Seven New Types of Old Age — And How to Spot Your Future Self 😉

Tina Anton
3 min readMar 13, 2024


Ah, old age — that golden era of life when you can finally start acting your shoe size instead of your age and get away with it. But brace yourselves; the traditional image of old age has had a facelift, a Botox, and a little hip replacement. Let’s dive into the seven new types of old age that are turning nursing homes into the new Hollywood.

1. The Tech-Savvy Silver Surfer

Once upon a time, a mouse was just a rodent. Today, it’s what Grandpa uses to outscore you in online games. The Tech-Savvy Silver Surfer is the grandparent who accidentally hacks the Pentagon while trying to print a recipe. If you’ve ever received a friend request from someone born during the Coolidge administration, you’ve met one.

Spotting Signs: They wear virtual reality goggles at family dinners and refer to their tablet as “my precious.”

2. The Eternal Student

These golden-agers have more degrees than a thermometer and they’re not stopping. The Eternal Student is out here learning Mandarin, mastering the oboe, and deciphering quantum physics just for fun. Their motto? “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks — because I’m already enrolled in the class.”

Spotting Signs: They own more textbooks than teeth and ask for homework as a birthday gift.

3. The Globetrotting Granny

Forget about sitting on the porch! These seniors are racking up frequent flyer miles like it’s a competition. The Globetrotting Granny has a travel schedule so packed, it makes a presidential campaign look like a staycation.

Spotting Signs: Their living room looks like a souvenir shop, and they greet you in languages you didn’t know existed.

4. The Geriatric Gym Rat

This old-timer is putting us all to shame. They lift, they sprint, they yoga — and that’s just before breakfast. The Geriatric Gym Rat treats the gym like it’s their second home or perhaps the first, considering they spend more time there than anywhere else.

Spotting Signs: They own spandex in more colors than the rainbow, and their idea of a “light workout” is your yearly fitness goal.

5. The Renaissance Retiree

Who said starting anew is only for the young? The Renaissance Retiree is here to prove you wrong, embarking on new careers, new relationships, and new adventures. They’re living proof that life starts at retirement.

Spotting Signs: They have a busier social calendar than a teenager and possibly a new punk-rock band.

6. The Serene Sage

This one has reached the nirvana of old age, floating through life with the calm of a tranquilized sloth. The Serene Sage has swapped hustle and bustle for peace and tranquility, and they’re all the happier for it.

Spotting Signs: They meditate more often than they blink and use phrases like “inner peace” more than “where’s my glasses?”

7. The Volunteer Veteran

Last but not least, the Volunteer Veteran spends their retirement giving back, proving that superheroes don’t always wear capes — sometimes, they wear knitted sweaters. Whether it’s feeding the homeless or knitting hats for cats, they’re out there making the world a better place.

Spotting Signs: They’re on a first-name basis with everyone from the mayor to the local stray cat, and they consider a day wasted if they haven’t helped at least three people or animals.

So, which new old age category are you heading towards? Whether you’re set to become a Tech-Savvy Silver Surfer or a Serene Sage, remember, aging is just a number — but a really high score in the game of life means you’re doing something right. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go help my neighbor install his new smart fridge — he’s hosting a live-stream cooking show tonight.



Tina Anton

Online ESL teacher & tech lover. Passionate about AI's role in education. Sharing insights on language learning, tech trends, animal lover 🐕 and AI enthusiast