Poem of Mental Health

Defras Espen
5 min readSep 22, 2023



Draft :

1. "The Battle Within: A Poem on Mental Awareness"

2. "Invisible Scars: A Poem about the Struggle with Mental Health"

3. "Breaking the Stigma: A Poem on Overcoming Mental Illness"

4. "Silent Scream: A Poem on the Importance of Mental Wellness"

5. "Through the Darkness: A Poem on Finding Light in Mental Health Struggles"

The Battle Within: A Poem on Mental Awareness

The battle within is one that's unseen,

A fight that's fought in the mind so keen,

An endless struggle, a constant fight,

Against the darkness that comes at night.

The demons within, they whisper and shout,

Telling you things you could do without,

They drag you down into the depths of despair,

And leave you feeling like nobody cares.

But you must not give up, you must not surrender,

For your mind is a fortress, a place to remember,

That you have the strength to fight and to win,

And to rise above the darkness within.

It's okay to ask for help, to reach out your hand,

To let someone else take the lead and understand,

That the battle within is not yours alone,

And that others will fight with you, to make you feel known.

So don't give up the fight, keep pushing through,

For there is light at the end of the tunnel for you,

And with every step forward, with every win,

You'll be stronger, you'll be braver, you'll be within.

Invisible Scars: A Poem about the Struggle with Mental Health

The scars on my skin may have long since healed,

But the scars on my mind refuse to yield,

Invisible to the world, they are mine to bear,

A burden that weighs heavy, a constant despair.

The pain inside, it eats away,

Leaving me feeling lost and astray,

Anxiety, depression, they're all the same,

A struggle that nobody can see or name.

The world moves on, but I am still stuck,

Trapped in my own mind, unable to duck,

The barrage of emotions that assail me,

Leaving me feeling helpless and unfree.

But I know I'm not alone, and that gives me hope,

That with time, I'll learn to better cope,

And though the scars may never fully fade,

I'll find the strength to face them unafraid.

For every day is a battle, a fight to survive,

But with each small victory, I'll thrive,

And though the scars may be invisible to all,

I'll wear them proudly, standing tall.

Breaking the Stigma: A Poem on Overcoming Mental Illness

The stigma of mental illness is a weight we all bear,

A burden that seems too heavy to share,

But we must break free from the chains that bind,

And leave the stigma and judgment far behind.

For mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of,

It's a struggle that many of us must rise above,

And though the road may be long and hard,

We'll find the strength to break through the yard.

With courage and grace, we'll take each step,

And never allow the stigma to make us feel inept,

For we are warriors, brave and strong,

And we'll fight for our right to belong.

We'll break down the walls that keep us apart,

And open our minds and our hearts,

To a world that's accepting and understanding,

Where we can find the help we've been demanding.

So let us stand together, hand in hand,

And take a stand for mental health across the land,

For we are not alone in this fight,

And we'll break the stigma, with all our might.

Silent Scream: A Poem on the Importance of Mental Wellness

The silent scream echoes through the night,

As the darkness descends and the world loses light,

A cry for help that nobody can hear,

A desperate plea for someone to draw near.

The weight of the world is a heavy load,

And the mind can only take so much, I'm told,

The pressure builds, the stress takes hold,

And the silent scream becomes too bold.

But there is hope, a light in the dark,

A way to heal the mind and leave a lasting mark,

A journey to mental wellness, a path to follow,

A way to find peace, to feel calm and mellow.

With self-care and support, we can find our way,

To a brighter tomorrow, a brand-new day,

We can break free from the silence and the pain,

And find the strength to live and love again.

So let us not ignore the silent scream,

But listen with open hearts and minds, it may seem,

For mental wellness is just as important as physical health,

And we must care for ourselves, to live life to the fullest.

Through the Darkness: A Poem on Finding Light in Mental Health Struggles

Through the darkness of mental health,

We can find a way to move beyond ourselves,

To a place where light shines bright and clear,

Where we can live without fear.

The journey may be long, the road may be rough,

But we must have faith, and never give up,

For even in the darkest of times,

There is hope, a way to climb.

Through the darkness, we can find our strength,

And learn to rise above the pain at length,

To find a way to live our lives,

And overcome the struggles that lie inside.

The journey to healing may be slow,

But we can find a way to let go,

Of the fear and the pain that holds us down,

And find the courage to stand our ground.

So let us walk through the darkness, hand in hand,

And find a way to heal our minds and hearts again,

For there is light at the end of the tunnel,

And with each step forward, we can rise and bubble.

We can find a way to live our lives,

And overcome the struggles that lie inside,

Through the darkness, we can find the light,

And find our way to shine, oh so bright.

Poetry can be a powerful medium for exploring mental health and raising awareness about mental illness. It can provide a safe space for individuals to express their emotions, share their experiences, and offer hope to those who may be struggling.

Poems about mental awareness can cover a range of topics, from the experience of living with a mental illness to the importance of self-care and seeking help. They can also explore the impact of mental illness on relationships, work, and daily life, and the struggle to break free from the stigma that surrounds mental health.

Some common themes that may appear in poems about mental awareness include:

- The importance of self-care and self-acceptance

- The power of community and support

- The struggle with stigma and the need for greater awareness and understanding

- The journey towards healing and recovery

- The complex emotions and experiences that come with living with a mental illness

Poetry can offer a unique perspective on mental health, allowing individuals to express their feelings in a creative and meaningful way. It can also serve as a source of comfort and inspiration for those who are going through similar struggles. By raising awareness about mental health through poetry, we can work towards creating a more compassionate and supportive society for those who are living with mental illness.



Defras Espen

Telling tales through pixels and words, unraveling the essence of life, one story at a time 📚✨