Feeling Stuck? Stop Lying to Yourself!Let’s face it, we all lie to ourselves. It’s second nature and most of the time we don’t even realize we’re doing it. Self-deception is not…Jun 29, 20231Jun 29, 20231
Punk Rock Gave Me A Home.I didn’t know why I was such a square peg my whole life…Jun 20, 20232Jun 20, 20232
You’re Not Autistic, Dammit!I’m currently recovering from a nuclear meltdown that started over 48 hours ago. I’m angry and I’m probably not 100% out of the woods yet…Jun 18, 20238Jun 18, 20238
Not Your Average Nerd“You’re not living up to your potential”. If I was given a dollar every time someone said this to me, I could have retired by the time I…Apr 5, 20231Apr 5, 20231