An Esports Reading List

Jonah Wang
5 min readDec 30, 2018


As a human collective, we all digest more information through social media, videos, and images than ever before. Modern apps and devices have become a necessity. Whether at work or at home, technology is such an integral part of our daily routine. Esports is very much a part of this global shift. However, just because we have become more reliant on tech does not mean we should leave the written word behind.

Candid Photography of Wario Reading —

Many people seem to forget the benefits of reading. Reading has been proven to reduce stress, improve memory, enhance analytical thinking, increase focus, and so forth. Most importantly, there is knowledge to be found in writing. The brain is every competitors’ best asset and to train it is just as important as anything else.

Blizzard Library @ Blizzard Entertainment HQ

At the Blizzard campus, there is a small library nestled in the center of one of its buildings. Inside, the shelves are filled with literature about games. I had the chance to speak with some of the professional development leaders and librarians at Blizzard. After a while in the library, I walked away with a fall reading list of a dozen works. After pouring through them and adding some of my own, I have created a short list of books with applications to esports that I would recommend reading.

Winners And How They Succeed by Alastair Campbell

The campaign manager and close advisor for Britain’s former prime minister, Campbell, has had his fair share of globally impactful meetings. Follow along with him as he leads you from anecdote to anecdote of his personal interactions and interviews with world leaders and world champions alike. There are so many parcels of powerful advice here from every kind of winner. Who better to learn how to be the best in esports from than the world’s best in sports, politics, and business?

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry & Jean Greaves

It’s no surprise that a book on mindfulness would make it onto this list. If you have never heard of the subject before, let me paint you a picture. A 16 year old spends every day after school until late at night practicing to become a professional gamer. Despite being fueled by the longing to be a pro, the struggles of difficult matches lead to agitation with classmates, friends, and family. The frustration builds until it boils over leading to arguments both online and offline. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 not only teaches you how to better understand and handle your own self but also how to positively effect those around you.

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell does a deep dive into what it means to be a master of a craft. The very best have developed their skills through thousands of hours of practice and are able to do things others simply cannot. Think of the tennis professional who knows the path of a serve before it leaves the racquet. Think of the NFL quarterback who is able to pinpoint his intended receiver amidst a five man blitz. Think of Profit destroying the Philadelphia Fusion defense in mere seconds. These are all plays done by knowing exactly what to do without having to think. Gladwell offers you knowledge from scientific study to help you master your particular esports craft.

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth

How many times have you heard the phrase, “Never Give Up”? Every person in esports has been given this advice at some point in time. Inexperienced coaches, managers, and teammates make absurdly challenging tasks sound so easy, but let’s face it; the advice is far from helpful if you’re trying to climb in ranked against a NYXL 3 stack after a tiring day of scrims. So let’s defer to a scientist and professor who has dedicated her life to the study of perseverance. MacArthur Fellowship (Genius Grant) recipient, Angela Duckworth, educates us on how to stay more motivated for longer and how to overcome the most daunting of challenges. I strongly suggest this book for anyone who wishes to better understand the concept of Grit.

The Art of Strategy by Avinash K. Dixit & Barry J. Nalebuff

I have included this book in the list despite not having finished it yet. Game theory is a branch of mathematics which focuses on how to best deal with competitive scenarios. Remember that first time you logged onto a video game? You chose a character, learned the controls, interacted with NPCs and other players, and ultimately came out with an understanding of what to do and how to do it. Started in the 1950’s, game theory is still in its infancy, but has much to offer esports. The Art of Strategy breaks down the same mental processes and strategies you use in learning new games into an exact science.

While none of these works were written specifically for the esports audience, they all have much to teach. There is always something unknown to be learned and something known to be reinforced.

Some of these are quite long so before you get overwhelmed, try reading a single paragraph and ask yourself whether or not you would want to keep reading. If it’s interesting, you may find yourself at the back cover before you realize.

As always, thank you so very much for reading! To all those who contributed to this article, you have my gratitude. And lastly, have a Happy New Year!



Jonah Wang

Hello, my name is Jonah or “BestStudent”. I am a 24 year old esports coach, player, commentator and writer.