DC Politician or Esquire

Dreams Often Are Unreliable Reasons for Depression. Don’t Be Depressed for an Application that Is Never Formulated & Submitted — Only for One that Is Rejected

Eugene Pierson
1 min readDec 28, 2023
Photo by Natanja Grün on Unsplash

Washing counters & tiles at the Montclair waffle house,
I knew I could have been a DC politician — or esquire.
Instead, syrup, butter, & dough splash onto my blouse.
Instead, I’m single & over thirty — & a baseball umpire.

The tangles, thorns, & cobwebs lie on the floor in shambles.
This is the small apartment that I can afford — no mansion.
I live with a recluse roommate who is lonely & often rambles.
Since I listen to CBS news, I feel like North Korea — a sanction.

That’s all. Better start monetizing me, soon, or more mass shootings will happen. I know fake bitches and faggots and niggers and crackers when I see them. The professorial and celebrity circles won’t let you get what you want or who you want so easily…Since my poems are so high quality (and since you benefit from reading them), time is ticking for you…I make many people’s lives better. I’m a better organizer, artist, philanthropist, teacher, therapist, doctor, and lawyer than many of you incompetent, loser, pathetic pieces of shit.



Eugene Pierson

https://linktr.ee/EPierson Just Another Teacher's Pet that Is Still Looking for a Significant Other (Plus Concubines). Meanwhile, Enjoy Some Sage Advice.