esraa atef
11 min readJan 1, 2024

Black death : A Great Guide To Prevention And Treatment



The Prophet Commanded Muslims Not To Enter A Plague-Infested Area In The Sahihan It Is Narrated That Sa’d Bin Abi Waqqas Asked Usamah Bin Zayd About What He Heard The Prophet :Ge Say Concerning The Plague. Usamah Said That The Messenger Of Allah B Said:

“The Plague Is A Punishment That Was Sent Down On Some Of The Children Of Israel And On Those Who Were Before Your Time. So If You Hear That It Has Struck A Land Do Not Enter That Land, And If It Breaks Out In A Land That You Are Residing In, Do Not Go Out Of That Area Escaping From It.”

Furthermore, In The Sahihan It Is Narrated That The Messenger Of Allah B Said:

“The Plague Is A Martyrdom For Every Muslim.”

Linguistically, Taoon, The Plague, Is A Type Of Disease. In Medical Terms, The Plague Is A Fatal, Vicious Tumor That Causes A Very Strong And Painful Infection, Quickly Turning The Infected Area Into Black, Green Or Brown Color.

Soon Afterwards, Ulcers Start To Appear Around The Infected Area. The Plague Usually Strikes Three Areas, Under The Arms, Behind The Ear And The Tip Of The Nose, And / Or, The Soft (Flaccid) Tissues Of The Body. A’esha Narrated That She Asked The Prophet B About The Plague, And He Said:

“A Gland Chat Is Similar To The Camel’s Gland And Which Appears In The Tender Parts Of The Abdomen And Under The Arms.”

Doctors Say That When A Septic Infection Occurs In The Soft Flesh, Such As Under The Arms Or Behind The Ears, It Is Called The Plague. The Plague Is Caused By Spoiled, Septic Blood ^Infected By A Bug That Carried The Disease {From Infected Rodents].

The Infected Blood Spoils The Part Of .The Body That It Strikes, Sometimes Causing Blood Hemorrhaging And Pus. In This Case, The Inflicted Organ Sends The Infected Blood To The Heart, Thus Causing Vomit, Unconsciousness And Rapid Heartbeat.

Although The Plague .Describes Every Infection That Sends Septic Blood To The ; Heart, Becoming Fatal Sometimes, It Particularity Describes The Infection That Attacks The Soft Tissues Of The Body. Since The Infected Blood Is Septic, The Various Organs Reject The Blood, Except Those That Have Become Weak.

The Worst Types Of The Plague Are Those That Strike Behind Ears And Under The Arms, Because They Are Closer To The (Essential Organs Of The Body. There Is Little Chance To Be Cured From The Black Plague, While The Red Plague Then The Yellow Plagues Are The Least Dangerous.

Since The Plague Breaks Out In Polluted Areas, It Is Called A Plague, Although This Word Describes Every Epidemic, As We Have Stated, And As AI-Khalil Has Concurred.

The Word Epidemic Is More General Than The Plague. Every Plague Is An Epidemic While Not Every Epidemic Is A Plague.

The Plagues Cause Infections, Ulcers And Malignant Growths In The Areas Of The Body We Described. It Is My Judgment That These Are Only The Symptoms Of The Plague, Since This Is What Doctors Visibly Observe, Thus Prompting The Doctors To Call Them Symptoms Of The Plague.

There Are Three Meanings For The Word Plague. First: The Symptoms Of The Disease That The Doctors Observe And Record.

Second, The Death That Occurs To Those Inflicted By The Plague, As The Prophet B Said:

The Plague Is A Martyrdom For Every Muslim.”

Third, The Reason Behind The Outbreak Of The Plague, Which Is Mentioned In The Hadith,

“The Plague Is The Remnant Of A Punishment That Was Sent On The Children Of Israel.”

In Addition, The Plague Was Described In Another Hadith That:

“It Is A Result Of The Jinn’s Touch.” Further, The Prophet B Said That The Plague Is:

A Prophet’s Supplication.

The Doctors Cannot Refute The Reasons We Have Mentioned Explaining Why The Plague Breaks Out, Although They Feel That There Is No Physical Proof That Supports Them. The Messengers Informed Us Of Matters Of The Unseen, While The Doctors’ Expertise Deals With The Physical Symptoms Of The Plague.

However, The Symptoms Of The Plague That Doctors Are Familiar With Do Not Provide Them With Any Material Evidence That The Plague Does Not Engage The Soul In Some Manner, For There Is A Tremendous Connection Between The Soul And What The Body Suffers Due To Disease And Ultimately Death.

Only The Most Ignorant People Will Deny The Effects Of The Soul On The Body And On Human Nature As A Whole. Allah Gives The Soul Certain Powers Over The Body Of The Sons Of Adam, At Such Times When An Epidemic Breaks Out Or When The Air Is Unhealthy.

In Addition, The Soul Has Certain Effects On The Body When It Experiences The Ailments That Are Caused By Septic Substances, Especially When Blood, Semen Or Black Bile Is Irritated. Evil Forces Take Control Of The Body When It Experiences Such Emotions And Ailments, Unless The Person Repels It With An Even Stronger Power, Such As Remembering Allah, Supplicating To Him, Invoking And Pleading To Him Giving In Charity And Reciting The Qura’an.

In This Case, Angels Will Descend And Will Defeat And Neutralize The Evil Effects Of The Devilish Souls (Evil Forces). We Have Successfully Tried This Method Many Times, That Which Only Allah Is Able To Count, And We Witnessed The Wonderful Effects Of Such Positive Forces (Good Souls) In Strengthening One’s Resolve And Ridding Him Of Bad Elements When In The Early Stages.

This Method Almost Never Fails. When One Feels That Evil Is Close-By Him, He Should Turn To Good Deeds As We Have Explained, So That They Deter And Fend Off The Evil Forces (Souls).

This Is The Best Medicine In Such Cases For Those Whom Allah Leads To Success. But When Allah Decides That His Appointed Destiny Takes Over. He Draws The Slave’s Heart Away From Knowing And Intending To Perform These Good Deeds.

In This Case, The Slave Does Not Decide Or Intend To Perform These Good Deeds, So That What Allah Has Decided Takes Over, Allah Willing, We Will Elaborate Further On This Subject When We Discuss The Divine Remedies Of Islamic Prayer Formulas (Ruqya Literally: Incantations), The Prophet’s Supplications, The Various Types Of D”0″AA (Supplications And Prayers), Specific Forms Of Remembering Allah And Performing Righteously Good Deeds.

We Will In Addition Affirm That Comparing Prophetic Medicine To Regular Medicine Is Just Like Comparing Folk Medicine To That Provided By Doctors, As Some Of The Best Doctors Have Conceded. We Will In Addition Elaborate On The Fact That Bodies Are More Affected By The Soul And That Islamic Prayer Formulas And Supplications Are Better And More Powerful Than The Most Powerful Medicines; That They Can Even Neutralize The Effect Of Deadly Poisons.

We Must Reemphasize The Fact That Unhealthy Air Plays A Major Role In Causing The Plague.

Air Becomes Unhealthy When It Becomes Polluted Because Of Septic Materials Or Pollutants, No Matter What Time Of Year, Although It Usually Happens In The Latter Part Of The Summer And In The Autumn.

This Is Because During These Times Of The Year (And When The Air Is Most Polluted), Acute Bilious Excretions Will Accumulate During The Summer, Yet Would Not Have Maturated By The End Of The Season. In Autumn, The Air Is Usually Cold And Thus The Immature Excretions That Accumulated In The Summer Will Heat Up And Start To Get Spoiled And Decayed, Thus Causing Putrid Illnesses.

This Is Especially The Case When The Body Is Ready To Accept Such Ailments, Being Inactive And Having Abundant Septic Materials, Both Of Which Rarely Spare The Body From Ailments.

We Should State That The Best Season Of The Year Is Spring Especially Regarding The Air. Hippocrates Said, “Autumn Carries The Worst Types Of Ailments And Deadly

Sicknesses. Spring, On The Other Hand, Is The Best Season And Has The Least Occurrences Of Death,” Pharmacists And Those Who Prepare Dead Bodies For Burial Usually Borrow Money During Spring And Summer, Rather Than Autumn. This Is Because To Them, Autumn Is Their Spring That They Are Eager For Its Coming And Feel Happy When It Starts (Due To The Increased Number Of Deaths In The Autumn).

It Was Reported In Hadith That:

When The Najm (Literally: Star) Appears, Every Epidemic Is Removed From Every Land.”

The Najm Is Said To Mean The Star, Or The Plants That Appear In Spring.

“And The Herbs (Or Stars) And The Trees Both Prostrate Themselves (To Allah).” (55:6)

Meaning During Spring, Because It Is The Season When The Trees Are At Their Prime And Thus The Epidemics Are Removed.

As For The Najm (North Star In This Case), Ailments Intensify When It Rises And Then Sets Just About Dawn. AtTamimi Said In His Book, ‘The Secret Of The Existence’, “The Worst Two Times Of The Year And The Most Harmful For The Body Are: When The North Star Sets Just Before Dawn, And When It Appears From The East Before The Sun Rises On The World.

This Is The Time When Spring Is About To End. Yet, The Harm That Occurs When It Appears Is Less Than The Harm Caused By Its Setting.” Further, Abu Muhammad Bin Qutaibah Said:

“Whenever The Pleiades (In Astronomy, The Star Cluster Was Named By The Ancient Greeks After The “Seven Sisters” Of Mythology, The Arabs Called It Atharaiya) Rises Or Sets, It Brings About An Epidemic For People And Camels. Yet, Its Setting Is Worse Than When It Is Rising.”

There Is A Third Opinion Regarding The Meaning Of The Hadith, That Is, The Star Means The Pleiades Ond The Epidemic Is That Which Attacks The Plants And Fruits Durng Winter And In The Beginning Of Spring. When The Star Rises, The Plants Will Be Safe From Such Epidemics During That Time, This Is Why The Prophet B Disallowed Selling Or Buying Fruit Before It Is Apparent That They Are Good.

The Prophet B Commanded Muslims Not To Enter A Plague-Infested Area And To Remain In The Infected Area

Once There Was An Outbreak Of The Plague Where One Happened To Be. This Is The Best Type Of Prevention, For When One Enters A Plague Infested Area, He Exposes Himself To The Risk Of Infection And Harm. Exposing Oneself To Such Danger Defies Religion And A Sound Mind. Staying Away From Plague Infested Areas Is A Type Of Prevention That Allah Has Directed And Guided The People To.

In This Case, One Observes A Form Of Diet Or Prophylactic By Avoiding Contaminated Areas And Air.

As For The Prophet’s Prohibiting The Muslims From Escaping From The Epidemic Infested Area, It Has Two Possible Meanings.

Encouraging The Heart To Depend And Rely On Allah While Observing Patience And Being Content With What Allah Has Decided.

The Best Medical Authorities Say In Order To Avoid Becoming Sick During An Epidemic Requires Helping The Body To Get Rid Of Harmful Fluids And Moisture, Observing A Diet And Preserving The Body’s Dryness In General, They Warn Against Sports Activities And Taking Baths. The Human Body Usually Contains Harmful Substances That Are Idle And Which Sometimes Become Activated By Sports And Taking A Bath. They Would Then Mix With The Beneficial Substances In The Body And Cause Several Ailments. Therefore, When The Plague Strikes A Land, The Best Thing One Can Do Is To Remain Idle In That Land, So That The Harmful Substances In His Body Are Not Aroused Or Irritated. Leaving The Plague-Infested Area Requires Motion And Physical Effort, Both Of Which Are Very Harmful In This Case.

These Are The Statements Of The Best Medical Authorities Of Old And Present, Helping To Shed Light On The Correctness Of The Prophet’s Commands That Assure The Wellbeing Of The Heart And Body.

If Someone Asks, “When The Prophet B Said: ‘Do Not Abandon It And Take Flight,’ Refutes The Meaning That Has Been Stated. Leaving The Infested Land For Another Purpose Than Escaping, Such As Travelling, Is Exempt From The Prohibition.”

We Answer This Question By Stating That No Person, Whether A Doctor Or Otherwise, Said That All Types Of Motion Is Prohibited When The Plague Strikes A Land, .Or The People Cannot Act As If They Were Fixed Objects. Rather, Engaging In Excessive Physical Movements And Activities That Are Not Necessary Is Discouraged During The Outbreak Of An Epidemic.

There Is No Reason Behind Abandoning The Plague-Infested Land Other Than Escaping From The Plague, Whereas Being Idle And Calm Are Better For The People’s Hearts And Bodies In This Situation. In Addition, Staying Inactive Satisfies The Required Dependence And Reliance On Allah And Submitting To His Decisions.

As For Those Who Need To Move About, Such As Hired Hands, Manufacturers And Travelers, They Are Not Required To Remain Completely Inactive, But To Refrain From Any Unnecessary Movements Such As Traveling To Escape The Plague.

There Is A Great Wisdom Behind Commanding The People To Remain In The Plague-Infested Area, As Follows.

Avoiding Harm And The Paths That Might Lead To Harm.

Preserving One’s Health, Which Is The Vehicle That People Rely On To Acquire Life’s Necessities And To Fulfil The Requirements Of The Hereafter.

So That The People Do Not Fall Sick Upon Breathing Polluted And Contaminated Air.

Avoiding Close Association With Those Afflicted With The Plague, So As Not To Catch The Plague Themselves.

Preserving The Body And Soul From Contamination And Superstition, Which Only Harms Those Who Believe In It.*

In Short, Prohibiting Entering Plague-Infested Areas Is A Preventive Measure And A Type Of Diet (Prophylactic) That Leads Away From The Paths Of Harm. Prohibiting Leaving The Area Where The Plague Has Struck Entails Submitting To Allah’s Will And Decisions. The First Order Teaches And Trains, While The Second Order Entails Submission And Referring All Matters To Allah’s Will.

” Umar Was On His Way To Ash-Sham When He Reached The Area Of Sargh Where He Met Abu Ubaydah Bin Al-Jarrah With Some People.

They Told ‘Umar That There Was An Outbreak Of The Plague In Ash-Sham. They Disputed Among Each Other About What To Do. So ‘Umar Said To Ibn Ab’ass ‘Summon The Early Migrants.

‘ Ibn Ab’ass Said, ‘I Summoned Them And They In Addition Disputed, As Some Of Them Said (To Umar) You Went Out For A Certain Purpose And We Recommend That We Do Not Go Back Until It Is Fulfilled.’ Other Migrants Said, ‘You Have The Best Of The People In Your Company And The Remainder Of The Companions Of The Messenger Of Allah B Therefore, We Do Not Recommend That You Send Them Towards The Epidemic.

‘ ‘Umar Said, ‘Go Away From Here.’ He Then Said, ‘Summon AI- Ansar For Me.’ I (Ibn Ab’ass) Summoned Them And Umar Asked For Their Opinions. The Ansar Disputed Just As The Migrants Disputed And Copied Their Behavior.

‘Umar Said, ‘Go Away From Here.’ ‘Umar Then Said, ‘Summon Whoever Is Present From The Leaders Of Quraish From Those Who Embraced Islam In The Aftermath Of The Fath (Conquering Of Mecca). Ibn Ab’ass Summoned Them And No Two Among Them Disputed, As They All Said, ‘We Recommend That You Go Back With The People And Do Not Expose Them To The Epidemic.’

‘Umar Then Ordered The People To Leave, Saying, ‘In The Morning, I Will Be Riding On My Animal’s Back, And So You Too Should.

‘ Abu ‘Ubaydah Bin Al-Jarrah Said, O Leader Of The Believers! Do You Run Away From Allah’s Appointed Destiny?’ Umar Said, ‘I Wish That Somebody Else Had Uttered These Words, O Abu ‘Ubaydah! Yes, We Run Away From Allah’s Appointed Destiny To Allah’s Appointed Destiny.

If You Had A Herd Of Camels That Arrived At A Valley That Has Two Slopes, One Fertile And The Other Barren And You Let Your Camels Graze On The Fertile Slope, You Will Do So By Allah’s Leave, Will You Not.

And If You Allow Them To Graze On The Barren Slope, You Will Do So By Allah’s Leave, Will You Not?’ Soon After, Abdur Rahman Bin Awf Came Back From Attending To Some Of His Needs And Said, ‘I Have Knowledge Regarding This Matter.

I Heard The Messenger Of Allah B Said:

“If You Bear About It (The Plague) In A Land That You Are In, Do Not Run Away From It, And If You Hear That It Broke Out In A Certain Land, Do Not Enter That Land.” [AIBokhary, Muslim, Abu Dawood, At-Termezey, An-Nasal, Ibn Majah And Ahmad].