The many benefits of travelling before college

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4 min readDec 16, 2019


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As high-school graduates, you are on the verge of a delightful self-discovery through travel. Exploring different cultures has many enlightening benefits. If you are curious about traveling abroad and are unsure about the benefits, you are the right place!

Unlike many students that are currently dreading the onset of a fresh college year, you can choose a different fate. Taking a gap to travel and live abroad opens doors to transformation and change. In this blog, we will explore the idea of finding a new world inside you.

Compassion and Kindness

Compassion and kindness are some of those attributes that can be developed and strengthened by exploring the lives of the underprivileged. Travelling gives you the opportunity to know and understand life from perspectives unlike what you are used to. This allows for a broad awareness and a sense of deep compassion towards other people.

Builds Confidence

Do you often find yourself to be struggling with low self-esteem? Travelling has proven to be a game-changer in terms of boosting self-confidence. Living and adapting to a culture different from one’s own helps enhance confidence, unlike any sleep-away camp or mini-vacation! Your travel experience will be filled with meeting new people, discovering traditions and cultural similarities. It is a lot more than just a semester abroad, it is a quest for freedom and personal betterment.

Experience of a lifetime!

Traveling abroad is immersed with experiences different from what you are used to in your hometown. Many students return home with a bucket full of joyous memories! Challenging life situations help develop the necessary skills required for survival. This helps expand your knowledge and understanding of the life around you. Not just that, traveling abroad equips you with a heightened sense of self-awareness and allows you to more flexible when facing life’s challenges.

Among other things, students often take up a gap year to learn a new language. This allows them to be more socially integrated and adapt to new cultures. Developing these social skills early-on will help you have a more effective college year. Experiencing different value-systems and religions broaden your horizons and make you a well-rounded individual.

Life-long friendships

You must have heard from fellow-exchange students of their experiences of finding friendships, and even love while traveling abroad. You can have a travel-cum-friendship story of your own! Friendships are one of the best rewards you can get from traveling abroad. You can choose a native host family and foster lasting friendships, find out about their traditions and values. As a host family, they are responsible for your protection and safety. The bonds you create during a year abroad tend to have a lasting impact on the human psyche.

Academic Benefits

Surprisingly, students that have taken a gap year tend to perform better academically and graduate on time. Compared to a national average of graduating in 6 years! Travelers also have a lower transfer rate. Traveling helps enhance clarity and aids goal-development in young high-school graduates, both of which are necessary to excel academically.

Better Career opportunities

The key aspect employers look for in a fresh candidate is their attitude and their interpersonal skills. Fortunately, travel helps students develop and acquire brilliant social skills that help with job applications and interviews. Cultural exposure and the ability to interact with individuals from different backgrounds are the main aspects employers look for in a candidate’s personality. Not just that, being bilingual or knowing multiple languages is crucial in this day and age.

Growth, Grit, and Independence

Travelling is empowering. It makes you a well-rounded individual and a storyteller. You grow as a person and a thinker. Staying away from your hometown for some time becomes a vessel for thought. You become more inclined towards trusting your intuition and thrive for independence. It helps you establish a purpose and gives meaning to a rather monotonous lifestyle. It helps students step outside their comfort zone and experience a paradigm shift. Travelling also allows students to more grateful once they start missing home! Students often come back home appreciating the way things are and attach new value to everyday activities.

Take a leap of faith, and plunge into the uncertain yet delightful world travel. One more step towards becoming a global citizen!

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