How to Select a Research Topic

1 min readMar 18, 2019


Developing a good research topic is important. In some cases, an instructor or the funding organization may assign you a specific topic. However, most often you are given a general area of study, and you are required you to select your topic based on your interest. Here are a few things to do:

1. Brainstorm for ideas.

2. Select an interesting topic, this enables you to read it widely and understand the literature.

3. Ensure that the topic is within your skills level and has sufficient material.

4. Make a list of topic keywords.

5. Be flexible to make changes where necessary.

6. Define your scope with a clear focus on research question, aims or hypothesis.

7. Research widely about your topic and consult related research topics.

8. Based on research, develop a thesis statement

You must understand that developing a good topic is not easy. It should be narrow, focused, and interesting, yet broad enough to cover your area of interest and find adequate information. Before settling on a topic, ensure you have a clear picture of your final project. Formats and styles differ, but the content must be convincing.

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