The Holy Spirit and I..

Esohe Ekunwe
3 min readSep 27, 2023


I’ve always prefer saying ‘Holy Spirit’ to ‘Holy Ghost’. There’s just something about the word ‘ghost’ that doesn’t sit right with me when referring to my God.

Yesterday, even after removing the Twitter app from my home screen, guess what I did? I was going back to it through the tab for apps I already had open. Although it wasn’t as bad as the previous day where I was on the app throughout. I actually got work done and I’m glad. I have been asking the Holy Spirit to help me and He is. I know that it won’t be a one time change so I’m willing to work with Him on it. Thinking about it now, on Sunday, we discussed The Miracle of Changed Desires in church. That wasn’t the topic of the sermon but it was a point of discussion.

The reason why I’m bringing it up is because that’s how things work in the Kingdom of God. When you ask for help, especially to deal with addiction and obsession with something, you don’t just stop once.

Romans 12:2 (NLT) says Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person, changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

“So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord — who is the Spirit — makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.”

2 Corinthians 3:18 NLT

Basically, it starts with your thoughts, desires and mind before it moves on to your actions and habits. So if for example, a person is addicted to masturbation, the person doesn’t just stop by saying they’ll stop. The amount of times in which they masturbate a day begins to reduce because they no longer desire it as much as they did before. From 5 times, to 4,3,2, once a day, and then it moves to 4 times a week, 3, 2, then once a week and on and on..

At the end of the day, it’s really about yielding to the Holy Spirit. The miracle of changed desires would not happen without the Holy Spirit. So I’m trying to involve him more and more in every aspect of my life, even to the minute details. I’m currently waiting for him to direct me on a decision I need to make about the skincare products I need to buy. Sounds silly right? But I know the Holy Spirit cares about my skin, just like I do.

Another thing I wanted to include in today’s post is — Making Time for God. This is one area I’m still struggling and believing God to help me with. Usually, I join an online non-denominational devotion called Triumph 360 on YouTube, they go live at 6am, 12noon and 8pm WAT daily and I try my best to join in at all times but recently I’ve slipped. I barely joined at all last week and this week has been a struggle as well. Yesterday, I sleepily joined the 6am devotion, grudgingly joined the noontime devotion (I had to yield to the Holy Spirit cos He was telling me that if I could make time to spend on Twitter, then I certainly had 15mins to join the devotion), and didn’t join the 8pm devotion. Cumulatively, the time spent for devotion is about 1hour20mins. Am I saying I don’t have that time daily to spend with God? I know that’s not true, I’m just choosing (albeit an unconscious decision) to not give that time to God.

Now that I’ve written this down, thinking about the steps to take to change this, I believe it goes back to the changed desires. I need to desire God more. Question is how? How do I increase my desire for God?

I’ll leave this here and let you know when I get an answer. Till tomorrow.

