Poem: Honeymoon Phase

Essence Jordan
2 min readMay 14, 2019


Phase 1: Honeymoon Phase

I get carried away in my thoughts and he carries me.

He hangs out in my mind, constantly, craving the attention he knows i’m so anxious to give him.

That honeymoon phase, you know that one, instant butterflies erupt in my stomach at the mere sight of him.

That honeymoon phase, you know the one, the one that instantly raises my spirits and makes me giddy whenever he’s around.

When he’s around, my smile comes out to play like a rainbow does after a rainy day.

Once, the intense surprise of seeing him unexpectedly caused my heart to quite literally skip a beat, time froze for a few seconds. It was just the two of us in our own little world.

I notice. And notice everything. Like the snowflake living on his bottom lip that melts and re-fabricates, a constant 9–5 shift that ends at night and starts again the next day.

I notice. And notice everything. Like the way he dances so boldly with no care in the world and the judgment of others does not affect him.

I like to hear him talk. The way words flow out of his mouth with such ease and passion.

I like to hear him talk. To get lost in his voice.

His eyes are a fight between Poseidon and Zeus, a raging blue ocean on a stormy day that contrasts the positive exterior in which they reside,

His gaze, held so fiercely entices such a deep desire and wish to hold that gaze forever, be wrapped up in it, never wanting to let it go.

His name j-ust smoothly glides off my tongue, causing my mouth to elicit a new euphoria each time its said.

I want to get to know him, all of him. How he thinks, what he thinks, why he thinks that way.

I want to know what he likes, what he doesn’t like, and why? Why is he the way he is today, what has he gone through in life to get that way ?

I just want to know.

I see him surely, but he does not see me.

I feel, feel too much, too much for a guy, a guy that does not feel back.

Im realistic, i think, and I know nothing will happen. I know, I know, and I know. But I also hope.

Part of me would rather enjoy the fantasy feelings of the unknown than the crushing devastation of reality.

I care too much and too quickly, and that will be my downfall. But for now, I’m only falling for you.



Essence Jordan

I have more words and thoughts than I know what to do with.