The Struggle of Productivity

9 min readNov 4, 2021

Productivity is a huge stumbling block for many people. It seems so simple on paper — work hard every day, get a lot done, and succeed in business.

More often than not, it just doesn’t happen that way. You wake up, start working with great intentions (“I’m REALLY going to get a lot done today!”), get distracted, get discouraged, and ‘punch out’ at the end of the day with very little to show for it.

Rinse and repeat the next day.

It’s not only discouraging; it’s costing you a huge amount of money. Every day that you work at less than optimal levels is a day you’re tossing money out the window.

Don’t feel bad, it’s really hard to work optimally, though. And you’re certainly not alone. Productivity is a huge struggle. It’s especially true in today’s times.

It’s hard to really turn the work off because there’s always one more email you can check, there’s always the thought that you should probably crack your laptop open and do just a little more work. There’s always that notification that a colleague or partner has sent you a text message or a post on Facebook.

The fact that you can never really get away from it all also means you’re probably constantly feeling guilty. That creates a never-ending cycle — you feel like you should be working all the time, so the time you do…

