Movie Review: Seven — David Fincher

A perfect thriller with a stunning ending

Esteban Thilliez


Seven cover

Quick Summary

To conclude his career, Inspector Somerset, a jaded old cop, stumbles upon an unusual criminal seven days before retirement. John Doe, as the killer calls himself, has decided to cleanse society of the evils that plague it by committing seven murders based on the seven deadly sins: gluttony, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and anger.

My Thoughts

The format and the basic idea are very classical: The young and the old cop on the tracks of the 7 deadly sins killer. And yet, within fifteen minutes of the film, the tour de force has already begun: a thrilling investigation, well-played main characters, and a totally unique atmosphere.

The unhealthy city where the protagonists evolve is built like a cousin of Gotham City, a universe without real identity, eaten away by rain and misery. Besides that, David Fincher’s directing talent is at work, as shown by the dark and thrilling story and its conclusion that leaves you speechless.

Indeed, I’m not afraid to say that the ending was one of the most stunning I’ve ever seen. Very well realized and constituted of judicious choices letting work the imagination rather than showing us everything, because we know well that…



Esteban Thilliez

I’m Esteban, and I enjoy writing about programming, trading, productivity, knowledge management, books, etc! /