The Learning Challenge

Esther Atebije (Falayi)
2 min readNov 24, 2016


O ye words, where art thou!

Let me start by telling you a secret — Writing helps you to think and reflect (But you knew that already. *winks*). So here we go…

I remember, very vividly, how I began my Andela journey — I was very scared to apply. The fear of failing almost crippled me and I was so ready to postpone it to next year. Procrastination is such a bitch, I tell you.

Luckily for me, I had good friends who were there to encourage, support, and remind me of the person I am. Fear does have a way of making one forget his/her strengths.

I applied for the Andela Cycle XVII and began learning the Python programming language for the first time. I had sleepless nights trying to debug the ‘TaxLab’ code and understand the various status codes. Interestingly, it was all fun. Learning was easy because there was a will; I wasn’t going to stop half way. I also told myself that knowing Python was a plus for me (who knew Python was so easy, right?). Yes, I am growing.

I wasn’t alone in the journey. I had my friends and family — I spoke with them and they gave feedbacks. Infact, they monitored my progress and gave me appraisals when I merited them (they weren’t nice with words either. But I did know they wanted the best for me). I also had the internet. Learning was easier and I didn’t have to make the same mistakes someone else did (even if I still did. A couple of times. Experience is the best teacher, they say). I searched the web, gained more insights to problems I encountered, and was able to scale through the screening phases of the program. I made it to the BootCamp and i’m so excited about opportunities to come.

In summary, here are some things I learnt:

1.) Brains and talent(s) do not guarantee success.

2.) Challenges bring out the creative spirit in you.

3) Basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hardwork.

So friend, don’t be afraid to explore. Ask questions. The solution is not too far away.




Esther Atebije (Falayi)

UI/UX. Frontend Development. I write about React, Vue, Webpack, and more.