Smooth Skin Ahead: How to Treat and Prevent Keratosis Pilaris

Esther Mark Jonathan
2 min readJun 18, 2023


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Keratosis Pilaris, also known as “chicken skin,” is a common skin condition that affects many people. It’s characterized by small, red or flesh-colored bumps on the skin, typically on the arms, thighs, and buttocks. While keratosis pilaris isn’t harmful, it can be frustrating and embarrassing. In this post, we’ll explore how to treat and prevent keratosis pilaris, so you can achieve smooth, healthy skin.

Exfoliate regularly: Exfoliation is key when it comes to treating keratosis pilaris. Use a gentle exfoliating scrub or a body brush to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. Be sure to avoid harsh scrubs or abrasive tools that can irritate the skin.

Moisturize daily: Keeping your skin moisturized is essential for preventing keratosis pilaris from getting worse. Look for moisturizers that contain urea, lactic acid, or alpha-hydroxy acids, which can help to soften and smooth the skin.

Use a retinoid cream: Retinoids are a type of vitamin A that can help to improve the texture of the skin and reduce the appearance of bumps. Talk to your dermatologist about using a retinoid cream to treat keratosis pilaris.

Avoid hot showers: Hot water can strip the skin of its natural oils, making keratosis pilaris worse. Instead, opt for warm or cool showers, and be sure to moisturize your skin immediately after getting out of the shower.

Wear loose clothing: Tight clothing can rub against the skin and exacerbate keratosis pilaris. Opt for loose, breathable clothing, especially during hot and humid weather.

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Consider light therapy: Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, can help to improve the appearance of keratosis pilaris. This treatment involves exposing the skin to specific wavelengths of light, which can reduce inflammation and improve skin texture.

In conclusion, keratosis pilaris can be a frustrating skin condition, but it’s not impossible to treat. By exfoliating regularly, moisturizing daily, using a retinoid cream, avoiding hot showers, wearing loose clothing, and considering light therapy, you can achieve smooth, healthy skin. If you’re struggling with keratosis pilaris, talk to your dermatologist about the best treatment options for your skin type.



Esther Mark Jonathan

Ghost Writer/Business Strategist/Skincare Specialist/Skin Blogger/Cook/Freelancer/Humanist/Aspiring Acupuncturist