Facebook Creator Studio — Review

Esther P.
3 min readJun 7, 2020

Facebook launched Creator Studio to allow creators and publishers to manage posts, insights and messages from both Facebook and Instagram in one place. You can upload and schedule content on both Facebook and Instagram via Creator Studio. I am writing this review so you don’t have to go through the testing phase to see if this platform suits your needs. Now, let’s dive into the pros and cons.

Pros and Cons of Creator Studio


  • You can easily toggle between Facebook and Instagram studios.
  • You can add/remove Instagram accounts easily.
  • You can view insights of each Instagram account.


  • Creator Studio will port over all the Facebook pages, including deactivated page(s).
  • The data shown on the page is the sum of all the pages you selected. You need to select the individual page to read the correct insights.

You are not encouraged to use Creator Studio for the Facebook posts because you can easily schedule post directly from the Facebook page. You can view the insights of the individual posts via Facebook platform too. Instead, it is better for you to use the Creator Studio for Instagram posts. You can schedule and auto-publish multi-photos post via Creator Studio…

