Estif Weldai
1 min readMar 24, 2022

I’m giving up on ‘Follow for Follow' because I didn’t hit my 100 follower Goal

I guess the verdict is in. I want to thank the 44 people that followed me. I have followed more than double that and the whole ‘follow for follow’ thing didn’t work for me. I lost the popularity contest.

I’d like to thank the few people who took the time to read my work. I’ll linger here and maybe post some more stuff, but I’m no longer doing the follow-for-follow thing.

This whole experience has gotten me to write a little bit, and I’m thankful for that. I only wish that my content was good enough to join the Medium Partnership Program.

If, by some miracle, I do get 100 followers, I’m not doing follow-for-follow. I’ll sample your work if you follow me, and I’ll follow if I respect your writing.