#100daysOfCode & Design Record Keeping

Carmen Wright
16 min readMar 22, 2017


Day 1: March 14th

  1. Started the challenge (it’s the little things to count for progress).
  2. Caught up on Nesha Woolery’s The Designers Guide to Project Management. I wanted to find some way to improve my PM skills and since I knew Nesha from a previous webinar, I thought her advice would be the best. I use Asana for all my projects (coding, non-coding, and courses I’m taking) but I knew that I wasn’t using it to its full potential.
  3. Caught up on Laurence Bradford’s Free Portfolio Course (I couldn’t find the link for the life of me). I’ve been following Laurence since I started coding and have found her past advice to be helpful. Even though I already have a site, I NEED to update it and have it as far away from a template as I can. I want to be serious about my job search and figuring out what pieces of information I need to include.
  4. Completed the SEO for SEO Beginners through Udemy. I’ve been wanting to learn SEO for a while and have tried tutorials and books, but none have clicked. This course is truly the first time I understand how this whole SEO thing works.

Day 2: March 15th

  1. Read Responsive Web Design by Ethan Marcotte. The book was released in 2011 which made the “Mobile First looks like it’s gonna be big” a little jarring. There are other dated references in the book, but I found myself taking a lot of notes at the beginning. Marcotte spends a great deal of time laying out a flexible layout and why it’s important for the rest of the site building.
  2. Finished Unstoppable Basecamp by Erin Flynn. The focus of the course was freelancing and I signed up after a prompt from a Skillcrush blueprint. I found it to be informative, but a lot of the stuff I had elsewhere. (Still need to re-plan my ideal work week…)
  3. Continued the Designers Guide to Project Management and Free Portfolio Course from Day 1.
  4. Completed the Copyright Basics course from Treehouse. My knowledge of copyright is vague at best. The course was quick, informative, and the amount of notes I took will help later on.
  5. Took over the Codette Club Twitter handle for the #CodeNewbie chat on online payments.

Day 3: March 16th

  1. Completed Code a ‘Coming Soon’ Landing Page in Bootstrap 4. The landing page I coded was the same as the one presented in the video.

Day 4: March 17th

  1. Completed Free Portfolio Course from earlier in the week.
  2. Completed Designers Guide to Project Management.

Day 5: March 18th

  1. Followed a tutorial to make Treehouse badge widget. I want to be able to include it on my redesigned portfolio website. I had difficulty with coding it, but it took some time and it may have worked.
  2. Worked more on my FreeCodeCamp course. I’m not a big fan of JavaScript and I’m finding this is where I slow up a bit on my code learning progress.

Day 6: March 19th

  1. I helped my sister with her Computer Science homework. It turns out the instructions she was given for her HTML code was difficult and didn’t make sense. I taught her a few tricks to create cleaner code and help her in the long run.
  2. Sketched out a poster idea I have that I want to create in InDesign.

Day 7: March 20th

  1. Continued with JavaScript with FreeCodeCamp. I’m FINALLY understanding what I’m doing. The sense of accomplishment is astounding.

Day 8: March 22nd

  1. Completed A Practical Introduction to Responsive Design on Udemy. I’ve already taken courses on Responsive Web Design but was interested to see if there were any other tips and tricks.
  2. Completed the Web Accessibility Compliance course on Treehouse.

Day 9: March 24th

  1. Listened to Design Life’s 018 The role of a side project in your career. I found this podcast link hopping through iTunes. The best piece of advice I found while listening was “Teaching things shows you to be an expert.” I’m a naturally shy person, but it’s quite the opposite with my web presence. Teaching others might be the way I break out of my shy persona.

Day 10: March 25th

  1. Spoke with my brother-in-law who’s a programmer. Turns out he doesn’t know JavaScript and sees its evil. Talking with him made me feel better about my struggles learning JS and he even gave a brief summary of the types of sites they build at his job. It was awesome to listen to what he was saying and actually understanding what he was saying.

Day 11: March 27th

  1. Wrote an email to a client in order to get the materials needed to complete the project.
  2. Compiled photos that I took over the weekend.

Day 12: March 29th

  1. Since I’m going to be working more at my RL job, I compiled a list of services I could offer based on a Skillcrush PDF called “Code Your Way to 1K” when I get my freelancing business up and running.
  2. Fixed the presentation of #100daysOfCode & Design because it really needed to be done.
  3. Finished Design Matters episode with Amanda Palmer. A lot of what was discussed was brought up in Amanda’s book The Art of Asking.
  4. Wrote the HTML code for my portfolio redesign. It’s taken me months to do this since I kept thinking, “The design isn’t right.” Well, the design I sat down with is different than the design I have in mind now. I was aiming for a multi-page portfolio, but since I have a lot of my content on other sites, it would have been a very light site. I’m okay with how this worked out.

Day 13: March 30th

  1. Wrote partial CSS for my portfolio redesign. I modified a lot of the HTML once I figured out how I want to do them.
  2. Made a list of all the items that need to be done before I re-launch my portfolio.

Day 14: April 3rd

  1. Did more on my FreeCodeCamp map.
  2. Installed Sass.
  3. Tried to do the Sass Basics course on Treehouse. However, I had some difficulty since I’m working on an older machine and tried to figure out what the issue was.

Day 15: April 5th

  1. Continued with the Sass course from Treehouse. Had even more difficulty with the course but discovered that it may have been caused by a glitch.
  2. Completed the “Basic Javascript” section on FreeCodeCamp. I think I’m understanding JavaScript more and more.

Day 16: April 12th

  1. Finished Sass Basics course from Treehouse.

Day 17: April 13th

  1. Started Framework Basics course from Treehouse. I’m starting to feel comfortable with Sass. Since Bootstrap relies on LESS and not Sass, I wanted to learn the framework for Sass, so I can start building sites with it.
  2. Sketched out a personal logo for my portfolio redesign.

Day 18: April 14th

  1. Finished the Framework Basics course.
  2. Spent three hours drawing a pencil in Illustrator for my personal logo. I saved several variations so I have a better idea of what I want when I look at them again.

Day 19: April 18th

  1. Typed up my case study for my portfolio.
  2. Partially coded my portfolio redesign. I was originally going to code it in Foundation and Sass, but realized that I didn’t have enough experience to do it. Decided to go back to Bootstrap. Some things were glitchy, but I’m liking how it looks.

Day 20: April 19th

  1. Installed 2GB of RAM to my computer and upgraded the OS.
  2. Tried to figure out how to embed a widget with my Treehouse badges in my portfolio code. Didn’t work out. Sent out a bat signal on Twitter.

Day 21: April 20th

  1. Finally figured out the Treehouse widget I’ve been trying to manipulate for a while now.
  2. Finished the HTML and some of the CSS for my portfolio redesign. Still need to do media queries so it works across mobile, tablets, and desktops.

Day 22: April 21st

  1. Posted a tutorial on how to add Treehouse badges to your non-WordPress website.

Day 23: April 27th

  1. Completed “How to Run a Web Design Business” course on Treehouse.
  2. Continued with Object Orientated and Functional Programming at FreeCodeCamp.

Day 24: April 28th

  1. Continued with Basic Algorithm Scripting through FreeCodeCamp.
  2. Coded media queries for my portfolio.
  3. Completed JSON APIs and Ajax through FreeCodeCamp.

Day 25: April 29th

  1. Recoded a random quote generator for a FreeCodeCamp project. Decided to make it Black Sails theme.
  2. Finished the HTML & CSS code along with a partial JS and JSON files. Need to figure out how to get my images and JSON file connected to the JS correctly.

Day 26: May 1st

  1. Relaunched my website for #May1Reboot.

Day 27: May 2nd

  1. Watched Skillcrush webinar on “How to Make Tech Work for You.”
  2. Started Treehouse’s JavaScript Basics course to hopefully understand JavaScript.

Day 28: May 8th

  1. Continued with Treehouse’s JavaScript Basics course.

Day 29: May 10th

  1. Finished JavaScript Basics course. I don’t even know how I feel about JavaScript anymore.

Day 30: May 11th

  1. Started the JavaScript Loops, Arrays and Objects course on Treehouse.

Day 31: May 15th

  1. Decided I should probably buy business cards. Took my rough sketches and transferred them to MOO. Finalized a design.
  2. Finished JavaScript Loops, Arrays, and Objects course from Treehouse.

Day 32: May 17th

  1. Started and completed Introduction to jQuery course on Treehouse. I felt like I missed a lot, so I’m going to do another jQuery course.

Day 33: May 21st

  1. Started and completed the jQuery Basics course on Treehouse.

Day 34: May 22nd

  1. Started and completed the Using jQuery Plugins course on Treehouse.

Day 35: May 24th

  1. Officially signed up for the Beginner JavaScript track on Treehouse. Since I’ve already taken about half the courses in order to get a better grasp on JavaScript, I think completing the track would be helpful with knowing the ins and outs that my brain desperately needs in order to feel as if I understand something.
  2. Completed the Defining Variables with let and const workshop. I really enjoy how those keywords give a heads up to the reader what the function is supposed to do in case something went wrong.
  3. Completed the Introducing Arrow Function Syntax workshop. The code is so clean and concise.
  4. Completed the Introducing Template Literals workshop. It makes everything so pretty.
  5. Completed the SVG Basics on Treehouse. It was one of those things I needed to do in order to be a better designer and I’m glad I did. I can already imagine how I can make use of what I learned.

Day 36: May 29th

  1. Completed JavaScript and the DOM course on Treehouse.
  2. Started and completed the DOM Scripting by Example course on Treehouse.
  3. Completed the Beginner JavaScript track on Treehouse.

Day 37: June 2nd

  1. Worked on the FCC’s Random Quote Machine. Five hours later, I was able to make the “New Quote” button work, but not have the new quote appear.

Day 38: June 3rd

  1. Worked more on the Random Quote Machine. In a turn of events, the “New Quote” button is no longer working. Frustrated, I posted a new topic on the FCC forum about it not working.

Day 39: June 4th

  1. Started and completed the React Basics course on Treehouse. Admittedly, it’s a bit difficult but since I’ve read React is helpful for web designers to learn, I figured I’d give it a shot.

Day 40: June 7th

  1. Completed the Setting up Webpack for React workshop on Treehouse. For some reason, it took me forever to complete the workshop. There were issues with installation for nearly everything so there was a lot of asking questions to Google hoping for something.

Day 41: June 8th

  1. Completed the React Router 4 Basics course on Treehouse. I’m finding React to be instinctual like they keep saying in the videos. My brain is able to process more of it than it did with plain JavaScript. I’m unsure if I’m understanding because JS was starting to make sense.
  2. Started the Building Applications with React and Redux course from Treehouse.

Day 42: June 10th

  1. Completed the Introduction to Data Security course from Treehouse.

Day 43: June 11th

  1. Rewatched the videos from Setting Up Webpack for React so I can write out the step-by-step Terminal codes to repeat again when I need to.

Day 44: June 12th

  1. Completed the Building Applications with React and Redux course. I had a lot of trouble with getting my code to appear in the browser. Testing out a few things to see if it’ll work.

Day 45: June 15th

  1. Completed the Data Fetching in React workshop on Treehouse. I was able to follow along really well and for some reason, the npm start started to work again.
  2. Completed the Animations in React workshop on Treehouse. It’s finally something I instinctually knew because it called for manipulating the CSS.
  3. Completed the Learn React track on Treehouse. I can see myself using React more and more once I get the hang of what I’m reading/coding.

Day 46: June 18th

  1. Tried out a little more code for Quote Machine. It still doesn’t work.
  2. Started and completed Scrum Basics course on Treehouse. I had read a book called The Sprint Book some months ago and didn’t realize they were detailing out Scrum until I took this course.

Day 47: June 24th

  1. Made three posters for a Pride quote that I absolutely love. I used the bisexual, transgender, and genderqueer pride flag colors.

Day 48: June 28th

  1. Earned the “Getting Started” badge from the Advanced Sass course from Treehouse. I remember liking Sass when I first took a class and I didn’t realize how much I enjoyed it until I started this course.
  2. Worked through the “Advanced Variables, Mixins, Functions, and Placeholders” badge in the course. I would have continued with it, but there is a lot of information to take.

Day 49: June 30th

  1. Completed the Advanced Sass course on Treehouse.

Day 50: July 2nd

  1. Completed HTML Email Design course from Treehouse.

Day 51: July 3rd

  1. Wrote a rough draft of a new article about reflecting on the first 50 days of #100DaysOfCode.
  2. Worked through the Markdown Tutorial on Github. A lot of the work I had been using for years and didn’t realize it was Markdown.

Day 52: July 4th

  1. Answered my first question on the Treehouse forum about CSS. This counts as something since I had to review a few basics CSS things in order to better explain my answer.
  2. Edited and published my article about my journey through #100DaysOfCode at the halfway mark.

Day 53: July 5th

  1. Completed the “Learn Sass” on Codecademy.

Day 54: July 6th

  1. Started the “Learn ReactJS: Part 1” course on Codecademy. Made it 71% through the course. My knowledge of React at the moment is limited and like JavaScript, I want to understand it more. I really do think I’m comprehending React faster now.
  2. Pushed one of my past projects to Github. Tried to push another, but it didn’t work for whatever reason.

Day 55: July 8th

  1. Completed the “Learn ReactJS: Part 1” course. I’m still having trouble understanding complex props and state.

Day 56: July 9th

  1. Started the “Learn ReactJS: Part 2” course on Codecademy. Made it 10% through the course.

Day 57: July 10th

  1. Completed the “Learn ReactJS: Part 2” course. I think I understand React.

Day 58: July 11th

  1. Completed the “Learn the Command Line” course on Codecademy. It doesn’t hurt to refresh my minimal knowledge of the command line.
  2. Completed the “Learn Git” course on Codecademy. Another example of it doesn’t hurt to refresh my knowledge of Git.

Day 59: July 14th

  1. Completed the “CSS to Sass” course on Treehouse. I think Sass may be my favorite way to write code. It’s so instinctual to me.

Day 60: July 15th

  1. Tried to find yet another way to complete my Quote Machine. It didn’t work.

Day 61: July 19th

  1. Worked on recoding my site to practice my Sass skills. I was able to set up the new HTML and CSS. The next step is to convert the CSS to Sass.

Day 62: July 20th

  1. Continued to edit my website where I wrote the copy.
  2. Added projects to Behance and added them to site.

Day 63: July 21st

  1. Successfully converted the CSS to Sass. There was some trouble, but I didn’t set up the project correctly.

Day 64: July 24th

  1. Completed the “Basic Animation in After Effects” from Udemy. I signed up for this course a while ago in order to gain After Effects experience for a job I was interested in. I had previous experience in iMovie and Final Cut Pro from my journalism days.

Day 65: July 26th

  1. Created a badge for Orphan Black and uploaded it to Behance.
  2. Completed the “Using Create React App” workshop from Treehouse. I’ve been eagerly waiting for this to come out.

Day 66: August 1st

  1. Redesigned an ebook and paperback cover for Shakespeare’s Richard III and published them to Behance.

Day 67: August 9th

  1. Followed a tutorial to make a coffee cup in Illustrator. Going to be designing my own icon set.
  2. Finished my Pride Posters series and uploaded them to Behance. Working on the case study.

Day 68: August 10th

  1. Designed three quote posters in InDesign.
  2. Wrote up a case study for my Pride Posters project.
  3. Wireframed a mockup email newsletter for my portfolio. I decided to advertise the last half of the 2017 season.

Day 69: August 16th

  1. Designed and coded email newsletter for my portfolio. It took some times by the time I was finished, I remembered that tables are a constant in email design.

Day 70: August 18th

  1. Edited my case study for my Pride Posters and published it to Medium.
  2. Wrote the case study for my “Richard III” book cover redesign.

Day 71: August 19th

  1. Signed up for the “Learn WordPress” track on Treehouse.
  2. Completed the “What is WordPress?” course on Treehouse.

Day 72: August 20th

  1. Read through Brad Frost’s Atomic Design methodology.
  2. Completed “How to Install WordPress on Your Computer” on Treehouse.

Day 73: August 21st

  1. Completed the “WordPress Basics” on Treehouse. A lot of it I already knew because I had dabbled with WordPress years ago.
  2. Started the beta map on FreeCodeCamp with the Responsive Web Design Certificate. I’m starting from the beginning just to have a refresher on basic stuff.
  3. Completed the Basic HTML and HTML5 portion of the Responsive Web Design certificate on FreeCodeCamp.
  4. Completed the Basic CSS portion of the Responsive Web Design certificate on FreeCodeCamp.
  5. Completed the “WordPress User Roles” on Treehouse.
  6. Completed the “Learn WordPress” track on Treehouse.

Day 74: August 22nd

  1. Worked on the Week 1 to do list for Philosophy of Technology & Design MOOC from FutureLearn. I heard about this course a few weeks back and signed up to learn more about the connection between technology and design.
  2. Completed the Applied Visual Design portion of the Responsive Web Design certificate on FreeCodeCamp.
  3. Completed the Applied Accessibility portion of the Responsive Web Design certificate on FreeCodeCamp.
  4. Completed the Responsive Web Design Principles portion of the Responsive Web Design certificate on FreeCodeCamp.
  5. Completed the CSS Flexbox portion of the Responsive Web Design certificate on FreeCodeCamp.

Day 75: August 24th

  1. Completed “Security Literacy” course through Treehouse.
  2. Started “PHP for WordPress” course through Treehouse.

Day 76: August 25th

  1. Completed “PHP for WordPress” course.
  2. Made it through 90% of the PHP course on Codecademy. There are two challenges I couldn’t get through despite working through their forum. May come back to it later.

Day 77: August 28th

  1. Worked on the Week 2 to do list for my course on Technology & Design.

Day 78: September 6th

  1. Completed the “SEO for WordPress” course on Treehouse.
  2. Completed the “Philosophy of Technology & Design” MOOC from Future Learn.

Day 79: September 7th

  1. Completed “Design Foundations” from Treehouse. Even though I’ve taken several design courses, I wanted a refresher on what I may have forgotten.

Day 80: September 8th

  1. Coded a landing page for my website. Because it looks like a mess and I want to push it to WordPress, I decided to pull it and put a “Under Construction” page up.

Day 81: September 11th

  1. Completed the “Creating a Custom Icon Font” workshop on Treehouse. I’ve been wanting to get more in the design swing of things and I think this is the best way to get a hold of design concepts and creating icons.
  2. Completed the “Local WordPress Development” course on Treehouse. I started this a while back, but didn’t finish because I didn’t like the idea of developing locally (why I forgot now). Because a course I’m taking is dependent on that information, I decided to try it again.
  3. Started the “From Bootstrap to WordPress” course on Treehouse. Since I decided I should probably convert my website to WordPress since I change it more times than I should, I wanted to learn how to use Bootstrap and WordPress.

Day 82: September 12th

  1. Wrote a post about Austin Kleon’s Show Your Work! and the takeaways I got from it.
  2. Finished “From Bootstrap to WordPress” course on Treehouse.

Day 83: September 19th

  1. Worked on installing the if-me app onto my computer. Since it’s my first local app, I’ve had difficulty installing it.
  2. Read “UX for Beginners” by Joel Marsh. A lot of it was information I had already picked up. I saw it was recommended on Twitter, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to pick it up and read.

Day 84: September 20th

  1. Continued working on installing the if-me app. Finding more troubles with it.

Day 85: September 22nd

  1. Spent the day trying to figure out what’s going on with installing Rails for the app. I believe the issue is with Rails.

Day 86: September 28th

  1. Completed the SoloLearn course on JavaScript Tutorial. I’m still on my quest to understand JavaScript.

Day 87: October 1st

  1. Started the Treehouse course “Installing a Rails 5 Development Environment on Mac” to better understand why I’m having trouble with installing RVM.
  2. Worked on resume to account for my lack of web projects.

Day 88: October 3rd

  1. Continued working on installing app to my computer. This is taking longer than it probably should.

Day 89: October 4th

  1. Finally got the installation complete for the app I’m contributing to. I’m not entirely sure where I went wrong, but I would say zero knowledge of Ruby before this didn’t help.

Day 90: October 5th

  1. Started Gulp Basics course on Treehouse.

Day 91: October 6th

  1. Finished Gulp Basics course.

Day 92: October 11th

  1. Started Modular CSS with Sass course from Treehouse. Still I haven’t worked on a project with Sass, I wanted to refresh and learn a few things that I may have missed.

Day 93: October 15th

  1. Finished Modular CSS with Sass course.

Day 94: October 24th

  1. Sketched out wireframes for an app redesign.

Day 95: October 25th

  1. Finalized the wireframes for my resume and website redesigns.

Day 96: November 14th

  1. Started to work on the prototypes for an app redesign, but decided that my design skills don’t match the project.

Day 97: November 27th

  1. Read through Zell Liew’s JavaScript Roadmap series. JavaScript is still my weakness when it comes to front-end development.

Day 98: November 28th

  1. Followed the “How to Create a Retro Long Shadow Text Effect in Adobe Illustrator” tutorial. I’ve been wanting to get back into designing more items so I’m following tutorials to discover new ways of workflow.
  2. Completed the “Migrating WordPress” workshop on Treehouse.
  3. Completed the “Digital Media Through Photoshop” course on Treehouse.

Day 99: December 1st

  1. Worked through the questions in the JavaScript Roadmap. I made it halfway through the Baby Phase and stopped from being too overwhelmed.

Day 100: December 6th

  1. Continued questions through JavaScript Roadmap. Finished the Baby Phase questions and made it halfway through Child Phase.



Carmen Wright

Designer who codes and sells books. Former (published) academic. Co-founder @CodetteClub. She/Her.