Lessons from my weekly commute: Speed bumps, ditches and traffic

Enoch Nkansah
2 min readNov 2, 2023


Photo by Makarios Tang on Unsplash

When I set off on my morning commute, I weave through a series of backroads before I get to the highway. There are a few residential areas where I come across speed bumps that cause me decrease speed and slow ride the bump. I recently found out that speed bumps are also called speed humps but there’s a slight difference. Speed bumps reduce speed to as low as 5 mph (about 8km/h) and are not used on public roads because they may endanger drivers who don’t expect them; while speed humps reduce speed to 20 mph (roughly 32km/h) and are placed on public roads and near crosswalks. Whenever I go over a speed bump, I’m reminded that life’s journey is often marked by delays and obstacles – those challenging moments that cause you to slow down.

Delays may show up at places you least expected. You might be pursuing your dream job and face a series of rejection letters or it could be an exam that you must pass, but you barely meet the passing grade, or a sales goal that stands between you and a bonus or a promotion that seems to elude you. Just like encountering a speed bump, these delays are not signals to stop, but rather to patiently navigate through that season with patience and determination. Adjust your speed, navigate it with resilience, and keep moving forward.

At times, setbacks can catch you off guard, like ditches or potholes on the road. They could be unexpected and jarring. They can shake your confidence, but they should not break you. Use them as opportunities to learn and grow, filling the potholes of your life with the wisdom gained from each experience and as you thread that road, you will become adept at avoiding them in the future.

And then there’s traffic – the daily snail crawl that can leave you feeling like nothing is moving in your life or progress is slow. During this season it is important to understand the benefit of being patient. Just as the old saying goes, you fall off a bicycle when you stop pedaling; so little progress is better than no progress. Traffic can be frustrating, but often necessary for your personal growth and development. Embrace these moments of transformation, as they pave the way for a better you.

Obstacles in life challenge your determination, resilience, and adaptability. Embrace them as opportunities for growth, and you’ll find that the road to success becomes a rewarding adventure. Keep moving forward, and you’ll reach your destination, eventually.



Enoch Nkansah

I've spent several years navigating the fascinating technology industry. In my spare time, I write about motivation, relationships, self-care and mental health