eTardis Releases Draft Whitepaper — RFC

2 min readSep 27, 2017


After a few months of revision and discussion with developers, the eTardis whitepaper has been released for public comments. We are looking for your feedback before we start an Ethereum ICO ERC-20 Token for the business. Please review the draft and email us your feedback.

Our goal is to better support and embrace software developers. There are a number of places developers can list their product for sale and there are companies that will help promote software. eTardis is different.

Our focus is the developer and their product. We will help support the developer to do what they like to do the most, develop great software. As such, we will purchase the distribution rights for their product to give them an up-front payment. We will then start to market and sell their product with our proprietary concept to maximize profits.

The profits don’t just return to eTardis. They are distributed in a unique way between the developer, eTardis operation costs, and reinvestment into marketing activities. The more a product earns, the more investment it will get into marketing and sales activities to benefit both the eTardis company and product developer.

If that isn’t enough, eTardis wants to recognize the relationship between the developer and the company. Although the developer is not part of eTardis, they can be eligible for profit sharing.


That is correct and not a typo. We thought long and hard about how to better support the developer. We want developers to feel like we have their back and not their money. Given their products help to build the company, we feel that it is appropriate to return some of the corporate profits back to those who helped make the company grow.

Developers can get more information and submit a place in queue for consideration for the launch event at the eTardis website.

We look forward to reading your comments.




Software Distribution Re-Imagined #ethereum #ico #developers #TokenSale #preICO #startup #Crowdfunding