ETCDEV Team Principles and Vision

3 min readApr 30, 2018


Pragmatic approach

Our main focus is on making Ethereum Classic a stable and usable technology. Opposite to move fast and break things. This means ensuring the correct architecture design. We also need to account for how 3rd party developers use our projects. We need to consider how to ensure that the project is maintained over next decade.

An important point to remember is our team lead by seasoned developers, most of them with more than 10 years of experience in software engineering. We understand how to build a system supposed to work for years, we saw them a lot and we know common pitfalls.

Technology, not a product

We are working on Ethereum Classic as a technology, and as protocol and tools for developers. Making a product from it is not our primary goal. Instead of providing an ultimate node implementation, or an ultimate wallet for ETC, we would rather provide a set of components for different implementations, different modules and tools for 3rd party developers.

Apache 2 license

We don’t want to limit usage of ETC technology. Any 3rd party developer or business should be able to adopt part of our technologies into their applications without any restriction. To allow that we have been developing all our new projects under the business friendly license, Apache 2.

The only exception at the moment is Geth Classic, which came from EF and it was already licensed under GPL/LGPL. Unfortunately, we can’t do anything with that now. We will continue Geth development under same license. This is currently our main client and a reference implementation. We will continue to maintain it and add new features as well.

To improve that situation with Geth license we have a strategy to provide replacements for critical parts as a separate modules. This will useful for 3rd party developers. Development of these modules will be from scratch and licensed under Apache 2 as well. This will include new EVM, State storage and network protocol library.

Non Profit

That’s most controversial moment, but we aren’t doing consulting, or development for 3rd party services. That’s because we think at current state it’s really important to focus on protocol and technology itself.

It also includes that we don’t implement features in return to donations or investments. And every major decision related to core development comes through Ethereum Classic community discussion and ECIP process.

Working closely with the community

We are a standalone team, but our intention is to help Ethereum Classic. We follow Open Source principles for development. We’re dedicated to the growth of the Ethereum Classic community. There are many other members in Ethereum Classic community who work on projects with us, participate in discussion, send Pull Requests and ECIPs, and provide other help. We’re working together on towards a common goal.

Igor Artamonov (@splix), team CTO, has been working all his time on Ethereum Classic since the first day. He continues to search for passionate developers, building a team of like-minded people to further the development of Ethereum Classic.

Our advisors are the people who joined Ethereum Classic in first few days after the Hard Fork happened. They are the people who are truly passionate about Ethereum Classic, and they continue to help us with different aspects of our work.

Originally published at

