5 Steps to Secure Permanent Residency in Canada After Obtaining a Startup Visa

Eterna International
2 min readMar 27, 2024


So, you’ve got your startup visa in hand, ready to conquer the Canadian business scene like a true entrepreneurial champ? Well, buckle up, my friend, because the journey to permanent residency in the Great White North is just getting started. But fear not! I’ve got the inside scoop on the five steps you need to take to make Canada your forever home.

Step 1: Build Your Business Empire

Alright, let’s kick things off with a bang! Once you’ve landed in Canada with your Canada startup visa, it’s time to get down to business — literally. Start building your startup empire, making waves in the Canadian market, and showing off your entrepreneurial chops. Whether you’re slinging tech innovations or serving up delicious Indian cuisine, it’s time to let your business shine.

Step 2: Show Me the Money

Ah, money, is the lifeblood of startups everywhere. Make sure your business is financially stable, managing your funds wisely, and keeping track of expenses like a boss. Remember, a financially sound business not only boosts your chances of success but also strengthens your case for permanent residency. So, keep those bank accounts in the black, my friend!

Step 3: Play by the Rules

Now, listen up — Canada’s got some rules, and you gotta play by ’em. Make sure you stay on the right side of the law, keeping up-to-date with your visa requirements, and immigration status. From renewing your visa to following work permit conditions, staying compliant is key to securing permanent residency. After all, nobody likes a rule-breaker!

Step 4: Contribute to the Canadian

Dream Alright, let’s talk about making a difference. Show Canada what you’re made of by making a positive impact on the economy. Whether you’re creating jobs, boosting innovation, or giving back to the community, demonstrating your value to the Canadian economy strengthens your case for permanent residency. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to make a difference!

Step 5: Apply for Permanent Residency

finally, when the time is right and you’ve met the eligibility criteria, it’s time to take the plunge and apply for permanent residency. Gather all necessary documents, fill out those application forms, and submit your application with confidence. With your entrepreneurial spirit and hard work, you’ll be well on your way to calling Canada home permanently.

So there you have it, folks! Five simple steps to securing permanent residency in Canada after obtaining a startup visa. It may be a wild ride, but with a little bit of business savvy and a whole lot of determination, you’ll be living the Canadian dream in no time. Cheers to the journey, my fellow business immigrants!



Eterna International

Eterna International, part of Eterna Group since 1928, empowers immigration professionals worldwide with diverse programs like EB-5, Golden Visa, and more.