Store Sensors Data with InfluxDB

Amit Singh
1 min readAug 30, 2020


Photo by fabio on Unsplash

1. Download InfluxDB container

Download influxDB docker image

sudo docker pull influxdb

2. Start InfluxDB server container

sudo docker run -d -p 8086:8086 -v influxdb:/var/lib/influxdb — name influxdb influxdb

Note: In this case, we start the database as deamon and we create a volume to store the data in /var/lib/influxdb

3. Start InfluxDB client container

sudo docker exec -it influxdb influx

3. Create a database

create database Sensor

Create a username and password

create user “<username>” with password ‘<password>’

To see all databases:

show database

Enter the Database:

use Sensor

To see all tables inside the database:

show measurements

To grant access of database to a specific user

grant all on Sensor to <username>

4. Insert some time-series data

Insert data (Here Motionsense is a Measurement which is similar to the table name of SQL):

insert MotionSense,SensorType=Gyro roll=1.2,yaw=5,pitch=3

5. Query the data

See the data of the Measurements:

> select * from MotionSense
name: MotionSense
time SensorType pitch roll yaw
---- ---------- ----- ---- ---
1597078827918172855 Gyro 3 1.2 5

About Me

I am Amit, currently pursuing my MSC from Univeristät Bremen and work as Research Assistant in BIBA with an avid interest in Control and Embedded Applications. You can get in touch with me via LinkedIn.

