9 Tips On How To Hunt Deer With Recurve Bows

Ethan King
3 min readOct 1, 2022


Do you hunt deer with a recurve bow? Would you like to learn how to hunt deer with a recurve bow? In this article, we share tips on how to hunt deer with recurve bows.

How To Hunt With Recurve Bows
How To Hunt With Recurve Bows

1. Choose The Right Bow

Choose the right bow that is comfortable for you to hold and has the right amount of power for the animal you are hunting.

2. Practice

Before going out into the open country to hunt, have a lot of practice with your bow. The more you practice, the better your aim will be.

3. Be Patient

Be patient when hunting with a recurve bow. Even if you are not getting the results, you want, it takes time and patience when hunting with recurve bows. Continue to work on your shooting and you will eventually be successful.

4. Draw Weight

You don’t need excessive draw weight for hunting deer with a recurve bow. However, the more weight you can shoot with, the better. A good draw weight to start with is 45 pounds. A bow of 45 to 55-pound draw weight will provide the force needed for a fatal shot from 20 yards or less.

5. Select The Right Arrows

The type of arrows you use is important for hunting with a recurve bow. Select arrows that are the right weight and length for your bow. If you would like more about how to hunt with recurve bows, then click this link.

6. Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Always be aware of your surroundings at all times when you hunt. This awareness will help avoid accidents with other hunters who may be in your vicinity.

7. Maximum Distance

The maximum distance you can shoot a deer with a recurve bow depends on the shooter’s skill level and experience. The average successful shot at a deer is about 15 to 17 yards. A bowhunter should not shoot outside their effective range which is defined as the range they can keep their shots within a six-inch circle.

Always get as close as possible to the target as bowhunting is a close-range sport and decreasing the distance usually increases your chances of better shot placement.

8. Hunting Arrows

The hunting arrows have to be matched to your draw weight and draw length. The arrows should also be matched to each other in weight and spine or stiffness for consistency.

9. Learn the Physical Structure of Deer

Learn the physical structure of the deer. Also, learn where the vital organs are located on the deer. The heart-lung area should always be the target of the hunter. Aiming for this area is crucial as it has the highest concentration of blood vessels. Your chances of taking the deer down increases when you hit this area.

Create a dummy of the deer with the vital organ area marked out. Then practice hitting that area until you develop the skills to hit that area consistently. The best shot with a recurve bow is a quartering away shot.


Hunting deer with a recurve bow involves skills and patience. In this article. we share tips on how to hunt deer with a recurve bow. If you would like to learn more about hunting deer with a recurve bow, then go to www.thehuntingterrain.com.

