Boosting Sales Of E-commerce Website With 6 Post-order Emails Will Make You Tons Of Cash. Here’s How!

Ethan John
2 min readJan 16, 2018

If you already know ways to boost the sales of e-commerce website, here is a happy surprise. A few post-order emails can help shoot up the sales of your e-commerce websites effectively. Here is how…

  • Acknowledgement email

Acknowledgement emails are the initial email that you sent to a customer acknowledging the purchase of the product from your online store. This mail will contain an acknowledgement of the purchase with details such as order number, product details etc.

Such mails also generally contain a ‘Thank You’ note to the customer followed by links to suggested products & other features to discover products in the e-commerce site encouraging them to visit it again.

  • Abandoned cart reminders

Sometimes it is found that customers add products to their carts but they won’t end up in purchasing. The reasons for customers to abandon their shopping carts may be various. The graph below shows the primary reasons why digital shoppers abandon their carts.

Latest research suggests that the average conversion rate of abandoned cart emails is about 4.64% whereas that of promotional newsletter is just 0.17% and the average revenue per promotional newsletter is $.10 meanwhile revenue of cart recovery mail can reach to continue reading..

