Ethan Bonser
2 min readMar 2, 2023


Cash Advances on Credit Cards: Understanding the Fees and Potential Consequences

Are you facing fiscal difficulties? Taking out a cash advance on your credit card might seem like a simple solution — but do you know how this works and its implications?

In essence, this option means using your credit card at an ATM or bank branch to obtain cash.

The sum attainable typically ties in with your credit limit percentage-wise. However, guaranteedly note that the interest applied for this type of transaction will most assuredly surpass interest reserved for regular purchases.

In order to obtain a cash advance through your credit line, familiarity with your Personal Identification Number (PIN) is indispensable.

Should you lack a PIN, reaching out to your card supplier for its procurement would enable you to utilize this feature. Subsequently, use either an automated teller machine or visit a local bank branch by entering the retrieved code before commencing with the transaction. One aspect that should not elude notice relates to potentially existing limits placed upon withdrawals regarding factors like card-issuing entities and varying criteria.

The utilization of a cash advance feature on a credit card comes at a cost with various fees to account for. A mandatory one-time fee referred to as the cash advance fee is charged by your card provider; in addition to this fee there’s usually an ATM charge from operators outside your provider’s coverage area.

On top of charges previously stated, Cash Advances accumulate high-interest rates in comparison to purchase transactions.

Not paying back your cash advance immediately can affect your credit score negatively in two ways. Firstly, utilizing a significant proportion of your credit limit increases your credit utilization ratio which holds importance in determining the credit score.

Secondly, accumulating interest hinders debt repayment and may lead to difficulties in satisfying other debts.

Although cash advances on credit cards offer a speedy and effortless solution for sudden cash needs, they come with exorbitant fees and interest rates which could climb up to even more than 25%. Furthermore, several credit card issuers may classify cash advances as separate items on credit reports that might appear adversely to potential lenders.

Hence, it is wise to stay away from such options unless necessary.

Prior to acquiring a cash advance, comprehending the associated charges as well as the probable consequences on your credit rating are critical.

Exhaust all other means of funding before weighing up taking out this form of loan.

