What is Lev Tolstoy’s philosophy of life?

Ethane Lebis
6 min readDec 8, 2022


Today I will talk to you about the life philosophy of the famous philosopher and writer, Lev Tolstoy. Before we get into the subject, who is this Lev Tolstoy?
Tolstoy was born in 1828 in a mansion called Yasnaya Polyana in Tula, Russia. He lost his parents at a very young age and grew up in the hands of his relatives. He had been in Yasnaya Polyana most of his life. Passed away in 1910 (aged 82).

Lev Tolstoy’s philosophy of life

”I have to get used to the idea that I am an extraordinary person sooner or later. I have never met anyone who is as morally good as I am, who is as ready to sacrifice everything for his ideals as I am”.

This lyric by Tolstoy singing in 1853, that is, for 25 days. Maybe he wasn’t humble, but he was not wrong about the extraordinary. 7 years before he wrote this sentence, that is, on the 18th, his own rules of life were arranged.

1. Wake up early

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

In my opinion, you’ve heard this a lot. Why is this so important? Why would such a person find it important to wake up at 5 am?
There are multiple reasons for this, the most important of which are:
1-Your energy will be at its peak.
2-You will gain 2 hours a day to work efficiently.
3- You stop procrastinating.
4-You get good habits on the way to success.
5-You will have a strong mood.

2. Don’t sleep too late

Many people go to bed late at night, we often see them in teenagers. For example, playing games with phones and computers until late at night and circulating on social media. These are the things that keep people busy until the late hours. And these have many effects on human life. By citing a few of them, staying up late will force you to lead a nightlife, but believers are naturally accustomed to living a daytime life. Since adolescents are accustomed to spending most of their lives at night, they have a hard time finding friends and remaining asocial.

3. Sleep 2 hours a daytime

Don’t let the ruthless hours of waking up in the morning and going to bed at night make you tired of the second item. Because there is a break called beauty sleep in Tolstoy’s list. You can take a nap for up to 2 hours during the day.

4. Eat a reasonable amount

A nutritious, well-balanced diet — along with physical activity and refraining from smoking — is the foundation of good health. Healthy eating includes consuming high-quality proteins, carbohydrates, heart-healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and water in the foods you take in while minimizing processed foods, saturated fats, and alcohol. Eating in this manner helps you maintain your body’s everyday functions, promotes optimal body weight, and can assist in disease prevention.

Think before you throw mud at someone and remember calmly; your hands will get dirty first.

5. Walk even if you don’t exercise

Sports is a very important point in daily life plans. Even if we do not realize it, bodily activities are the first key to a more organized life. According to the article in Tolstoy’s list, “Walk for 1 hour every day” is included.

6. Not eating sugary food

After determining the sleep pattern, it was time for daily eating and drinking habits. According to Tolstoy’s list, “Eat less, avoid sweets and sweets as much as possible”.

7. Smash and divide your goals

Take, for example, your general life purpose. But know that this will not be enough and set individual small goals for what you want to achieve in life. Set your goals for the next year, the next month, the next week, and the next day clearly and individually. Exaggerate, even think about the goals for the next hour, the next minute. Earn an earring: you can forego a small goal to achieve a big goal.

The biggest regret you will ever have in your life is what you didn’t do in case you regret it.

8. Don’t care what others say

The biggest concern of many societies is the phrase “What does Elalem say”. We know that since your childhood, you are inevitably compared to others and hinder yourself within social taboos. Tolstoy drew attention to this and included the item “Don’t care what other people think about you” as his life motto.

9. Proceed systematically to achieve your goals

The most important points in life are goals. Setting goals is one of the golden rules. Extending this rule a little further, Tolstoy says, “Divide and divide your ends.”

10. Do your housework

Spending time at home will make you feel better than you can imagine. Tolstoy also mentioned this in his list. Tolstoy says, “Do as much of your housework as you can, don’t let others do it for you.”

Ignorance always says the same thing, if it doesn’t know something, it says it’s nonsense.

11. Be selective when choosing people

Choosing the people you love and the people you love in your life is perhaps the best choice you can make in this life. Thinking about this, Tolstoy said these things: “Love the people you can benefit.”

12. Help

Helping or sharing something is one of the things that will make you feel the best in life. However, while doing these things, our proverb “Let not the other hand see what one hand gives” comes into play. Tolstoy also came up with a similar discourse.

“Help the needy unobtrusively.”

13. Do not be a mischief-maker

In these difficult times when your bread is in the lion’s stomach, this article by Tolstoy will guide you. Underlining that extravagance is one of the greatest losses, Tolstoy said, “Always spend less than you can afford.”

14. Kill your desires

We realize it sounds a bit harsh, but when people are in the thrall of their desires, they can find themselves at a completely different stage from where they want to go. Maybe that’s why Tolstoy preferred to say, “Kill your desires with hard work”.

All happy families are alike, every unhappy family has its unhappiness.

15. Need to focus

The level of focus is more important than how much effort you put into a task. Tolstoy said, “Focus on only one thing at a time.”

16. Break social taboos

Even if we never realize it, social rules become the center of our lives at some point. That is why it is sometimes harmful to blindly adhere to social issues. This is why Tolstoy said, “Do not pay attention to any public opinion that does not conform to your logic.”



Ethane Lebis

Call me the blogging sensation that's sweeping the nation. When I'm not busy cracking bad jokes I like to delve into topics like science.