Why it’s OK to be Anxious

Ethan Greavu
4 min readJul 8, 2018

“Anxiety is the handmaiden of creativity” (T. S. Eliot).

It seems that today people are more ok with blaming something dumb they did or thought on their anxiety.

While most if not all of us have anxiety, we seem to pretend anxiety is a problem but one we all inherit and have to deal with.

However, if everyone is dealing with this same self-conscious problem, what makes it a problem if it’s not labeled as a mere obstacle we all face?

It doesn’t seem right to say, just deal with your anxiety. And we all know because that phrase is so counterintuitive and destructive to hear. So what I will say is if we all face anxiety, then we should all be ok with its side effects that take toles on our thinking.

It’s OK to overanalyze everything

As part of how the brain works, it’s expected that we all overthink things one way or another.

We overthink what others might be saying about us, what our acquaintances might believe about us and if what we are doing is even the right thing to do.

Unfortunately, overthinking is something that we will always have. Even if taken under control, it’s hardwired into us to visualize all the possible outcomes of situations to help us prepare for…



Ethan Greavu

I write about Self-Improvement, Psychology, Ethics and other things. B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communications — Walter Cronkite