Muscle Pharm Assault: An Overview

Ethan Jacob
2 min readAug 24, 2015


Size, energy, focus, strength, and endurance are the five angles of total performance and muscle pharm assault delivers on them with precision. Assault is one of the most advanced and complete pre-workout supplement by Muscle Pharm and is very popular among fitness cautious people as well as athletes. It has been formulates to give the consumer ultimate advantage in their game.

What Does Assault Contains?

The power ingredients in assault allow you to achieve maximum results from your training. The pre-workout supplement contains: -2 gms of Carnosyn -Beta Alanine -ION — 3 Nitrate technology

Gains of Consuming Assault

The consumers are gaining various fitness and bodybuilding benefits by consuming the supplement including endurance, strength, muscle mass, improved athletic training capacity, and more.
Caffeine is a popular ingredient found in bodybuilding and fitness supplements. The reason for this is that the restorative effects of caffeine help in improving the alertness and performance of the consumer. However, the aftereffects of taking caffeine are that it will make you lethargic and hungry. This is not the case with Assault Muscle Pharm, as it contains pure energy ingredients to gives the consumer the necessary focus and energy that can last up to 8 times longer than caffeine.

Assaults Five Stage Delivery System

Ultimate Lactic Acid Stopper — ATP Amplifier

Taking 2 grams of carnosyn beta alanine shields the production of lactic acid during workouts. At the same time it energizes the consumer for an active performance and delivers the ideal muscle endurance for hard trainers.

Maximum Athletic Performance — ION 3 Nitrate Technology

This special form of nitrate delivers creatine, arginine, and BCAA’s (the first in pre-workout supplements.) Efficient dilatation of blood vessels produced by nitrates helps in increase of flow of blood, which results in better nutrient distribution.

Cellular Energy/Insulin Activator

The workout building nutrients mixed in Assault volumizer-dextrose, glycine, d-ribose and cinnulin PF produce insulin that increases anabolism and enhances muscle growth and repair.

Energy and Neuro Igniter

This explosive energy ingredient creates a safe way to gain energy. Pterostillebene’s antioxidant found in co-crystallized form deliver healthy benefits of better focus and increased energy.

Hydration System

The advanced mixture of electrolytes glutamine, taurine and coconut water helps in keeping the consumer hydrated and energized during workout as well as speeds the muscle and body repair process.

Pros of Muscle Pharm Assault

There are various pros associated with muscle pharm assault, which is why more and more fitness cautious people are consuming it. Some of these advantages are: — Astragin/Arganine increases nutrient absorption — High quality creatine — Increases endurance — Lots of BCAAs and amino acids — Noticeable increase in energy and focus

