100+ Words a day (12)

Ethan Naluz
4 min readJun 2, 2017


Redesigning My Regimen

My workspace at ASU Skysong

So after blogging pretty consistently for a little under a week, I think I want to start writing about another topic. Per my my last blog post, I’ve been trying to learn something new and interesting to me every day. School lasts for a total of 8 months, but learning never has to end. I think self education is more important than formal education in terms of trying to become truly great at anything (ignoring the caveat of fields like medicine). I listen to podcasts, watch YouTube videos, read books, and read blog posts whenever I’m not working or with friends and family, but I’m not much of “take notes” type of guy. Even in math classes I rarely if ever take notes during class.

Literally me in high school and college if I tried to take notes

With that said, I’m going to start a daily/every other day blog post where I’ll mention a particular topic I’ve been learning around that time, and some key things I learned about those topics. Sort of like my last post. We’ll see what happens there. I think it’d be a great way for me to really solidify my understanding of whatever I’m learning.

I’m also considering starting Alexander Kallaway’s 100 day code challenge and writing a brief blog post about what I learned each day (or each week depending on how I feel about it). I think having to publish a blog post about these things so often brings a sort of accountability to my actions. Having that accountability makes it much easier and brings more of a sense of urgency to my learning/productivity. It’s sort of like having investors breathing down your neck to scale faster. It’s the same sort of thing that creates better parents. Having somebody who would be negatively affected by a lack of action on your part motivates you to execute. Even if it’s just friends reading my blog posts every so often (like in my case) there’s still the same effect. It lights a fire under your ass.

Lastly, for some good news, I recently got approved to be a writer for the #yesphx publication by Vincent Orleck. I’m pretty hyped about this since I’ve really been trying to get more involved in the Phoenix startup community and this would be one great way to do that. I’ll also be leaving to San Francisco next week for at least a month, so this would be one way to stay somewhat engaged without actually being in Phoenix. Hopefully I can come up with something publish-worthy. If you have any ideas for a blog post I can write about, please let me know!

Side Note: In alignment with me wanting to be a community builder, I’m building up a list of people to meet in the Phoenix community. If anybody knows of a particular person you think I just have to meet, let me know about that too!

Also seeing someone like Diana Chen who’s blogging about her experience as an intern at Google gets me fired up as well. Check her out, she’s one of the most brilliant and badass people I’ve met at ASU. She’s super mission driven, and actually does the things she says she’ll do.

I’m most excited by the fact that my partner and I have chosen our project for the summer. Although I cannot explain much here, it thrills me that it has the potential for widespread impact to help others. — Diana Chen



