Stop Thinking and Start Living For Once

Ethan Wong
4 min readJan 29, 2024
Photo by Markus Winkler:

Double edged Goals

Jay, a friend that had kept me sane through high school made me realize I had an addiction to goal setting. During our discussion, I had flashbacks to my intricate plans to become a lawyer by 25, write a book by 27 and have children right before my 30th birthday. From there I would retire early, after buying my parents a house that would be funded by the profits of said book — all before I turn 40.

I had left my life with no surprise and thought that there was nothing left for me to do but let the theater of life take place. Then Covid struck, the climate crisis worsened, and my plans veered off course by things way out of my control. In those moments I felt helpless. This week through my discussion with Jay we discussed the power of existing in the present and breaking the relative Mental Barriers within the mind.

Breaking Mental Barriers

In a way, I have Jay to thank (and unavoidably complain to) about my hobby of running. If he hadn’t joined the cross country club at our school, I wouldn’t have taken the hour train ride to the park. It was the first time I have ever taken my health seriously which I will forever be grateful for. One thing however that needs to be said is that in terms of skill level, Jay was way above my league.



Ethan Wong

A person that writes sometimes. For any inquiries or if you would like to talk please email me at