Incredible news! Etheraffle has its first winner . . . !

3 min readApr 12, 2018


. . . and it was one of our own devs. Which is both an anticlimax and a shame since we were ready to shout it from the rooftops, and had hoped to try and find out who the lucky person was so we could shower them with praise and adulation to go alongside the ether they won. We’d planned to put the news out all over social media, and were thrilled that everything was working as expected.

The Winning Ticket

About which latter we still are in fact. Because not only was the win perfectly legitimate, but it was also expected due to mathematical likelihood given the number of entries we’ve had so far. Also mathematically likely — for last week at least — was that it was going to be one of our own. Whilst rolling out our new LOT Token Promotion and the smart-contract that powers it, our developers were busy thoroughly testing it and so had racked up plenty of entries. One of which hit. Congratulations!(?)

The LOT Token Promotion

Better still, the Etheraffle contract behaved perfectly. As indeed it had done many times over in our testing sandboxes, but there is still nothing quite like a live test and success. Once the raffle had been automatically drawn and the contract turned over to the following week, the won ether was sequestered safely into Raffle #37’s data structure awaiting the prize-winner’s withdrawal. The remainder of the prize pool ether then rolled over into the next draw back up for grabs. And all this happened without human intervention at any step.

A winning ticket, after claiming.

The in-house win gave us another live test opportunity — does the withdraw mechanism work correctly? Yes, as it turns out. After hitting the claim button our winner had the ether in their account as soon as the transaction was mined. They were elated. As were we when a second, third and fourth attempt to withdraw their already claimed prize all failed. The withdraw mechanism is successful and secure.

Our winner’s elation was short lived however when we opted to conduct one final live test — using the contract method shown below which allows anyone to add ether to the prize pool should they so wish.

function addToPrizePool() payable external {
require(msg.value > 0);
prizePool += msg.value;
emit LogPrizePoolAddition(msg.sender, msg.value, now);

One last successful transaction later and the winning ticket’s ether had found its way back into the Etheraffle prize pool, ready to be claimed by a future lucky ticket holder . . . whom next time we hope we don’t know.

Etheraffle is the first & only charitable blockchain lottery. Powered by ethereum, it is designed to give huge prizes to players, sustainable ETH dividends to LOT token holders, and life-changing funding to charities. Visit our ICO to learn more and take part in this decentralized, altruistic vision of the future.




A truly decentralized, charitable blockchain lottery!