Ethercraft: Chinese Soft Launch

2 min readMar 23, 2018


March 23

Hello everyone, this post is just a brief follow-up to some of the discussion we’ve been having on Discord and Telegram. We’re pleased to confirm that tonight, 10 PM EST (10 AM in China), we will be releasing a fresh item set as part of a soft Chinese launch. This set is largely free but also includes a number of standard items as well as a couple of Enchanted items.

The purpose of this release is just to give people something for free as well as to provide us a platform for our initial marketing efforts. (Moreover, most of our current run of items end in about a week!) As such, this release will mark the start of our marketing efforts in China and will be followed by a full launch including additional items and more comprehensive marketing efforts on Friday of next week (March 30th). (Update: Second item release is coming later, in the near future. TBD)

Could it contain gold?

New items will go live at 10 PM EST, 2 AM GMT (10 AM in China) and will be available at (Note: This page will be empty until the items go live.)

Edit: To clarify, we will be releasing two item sets in total — one tonight and another one in the near future.

Stay tuned and join us on Discord and Telegram for the latest updates as they happen!

