Allowlist :: Boarding Pass Checker

6 min readNov 3, 2022


One of our main deliverables that we have planned for the month of November is our Boarding Pass Checker, BP Checker for short. The BP Checker presents a unique opportunity to visualise the data within our allowlist as more than just wallet addresses within an excel sheet or a Google doc.

Figure 1. BP Checker Home Screen Following Wallet Connect

One question we often pondered is how we can turn this information into an experience, one that is not only memorable but also personalised and somewhat unique. In this article, we’ll break down our newest deliverable and explain to you how it works at a high-level and conclude with some interesting tidbits that allowed us to personalise this experience for those who are apart of this special list.

Let’s Experiment!

More often than not, an approach that is typically used to distribute allowlist involves collaborating with an already established project or community and providing some allowlist spots in exchange for the exposure. Following this event, those fortunate enough within the collaborating community are able to secure an allowlist spot and are added Direct To Contract, DTC for short. I personally never understood this terminology as addresses are never added into a contract, but that’s a discussion for another day!

Now typically this is where the “problem” therein lies. I place emphasis on the problem part of the previous statement as it’s not really a problem, but if this is the conclusion of the allowlisting process, we have cut short so much room for personalisation, creativity and novelty! So let’s walk through the BP Checker and understand how it works.

Ooo, Scary App Permissions!

  1. Wallet Connectivity

The first thing that you are prompted to do when visiting the BP Checker page is to connect your wallet, no signing required! The prompt for this interaction is as shown below and we chosen to utilise RainbowKit for this. A common misconception within the space is that you could be eternally doomed if you connect your wallet to the wrong website, however this is false. I could go more in depth on this topic, but that’s a discussion for another day!

Figure 2. Pls Connect Wallet!

2. Discord OAuth2 Authorisation

Ahh, I hear it now… “Discord Authorisation!? Why!?”. Fear not and allow me to explain! Part of our allowlist mechanic is that we would like to stealth allowlist active members of our community who have either shown love through our Discord and Twitter platforms, are avid puzzle solvers to the tasks and hunts we put forward, or those who have been fortunate enough to secure a spot through our collaborations and partnerships!

Figure 3. Discord Connectivity

Now with the former in mind, stealth allowlisting obviously doesn’t apply to those who are given allowlist through our collaborations and partnerships. Reason being is that if you obtained allowlist through either of these methods, you’re already aware that you are allowlisted! However, stick around and find out why it’s important that you continue on through this process anyway. Let’s now look at the Discord Authorisation prompt.

Figure 4. Discord Authorisation Prompt

That image above came out quite large but bare with me! It’s important to always check what permissions you are authorising. As for the case of our BP Checker, we will only request access to your username, avatar and banner. On top of this, always ensure that the “Once you authorise, you will be redirected outside of Discord to: …” is a URL to our official website.

Figure 5. Discord Authorised.

3. Twitter OAuth Authorisation

There it is again, do you hear it!? “Twitter Authorisation Now!? WHY!?”. For the same reasons that followed previously. If we want to stealth allowlist members from either Discord or Twitter, we’ll need you to verify both accounts so that we can sync the information accordingly. Following this process, we’ll have confidence that you own both of the authorised accounts and can proceed to the fun stuff.

Figure 6. Twitter Authorisation Prompt

As always, it’s important to always validate the permissions that you are giving the requesting application. In the case of our BP Checker, we only have the permissions to view specific information and not alter it. From here on out, that is the last application you need to authorise. It’s worth mentioning that the Discord Authorisation prompt will always appear upon each visit but upon successful authorisation of Twitter, this process will automatically be handled upon clicking connect.

Will You Escape?

With all the technical mumbo jumbo out of the way we can begin to start talking about the fun stuff. If you haven’t been fortunate enough to guarantee your survival just yet, you’ll be greeted with the screen on the left (Figure 7). In this case, rest assured that there is still time to secure a Boarding Pass! On the other hand, if you are one of the lucky ones, the screen on the right will appear (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Left is no bueno, right is key!

After clicking the “CLICK HERE” prompt, the overlay shown below will appear. From here, you have the option to either copy the image to your clipboard or download it for whatever reason you see fit. Closing the overlay will provide you with the final step of the process where you can announce to your followers that you will reign superior over them whilst they are left to await their impending doom!

Figure 8. Excuse the odd looking interface, this will be updated I promise!


As any project would be, we are grateful for the opportunities that both communities and projects provide us. Exposing your members to projects is something that should be done with great care, so to say thank you to those that have put trust in us, we are providing each of our collaborating communities and partnerships with a unique and personalised Boarding Pass for each of their members. Shown below are some examples from communities we have already collaborated with. It’s worth mentioning that each Boarding Pass will be customised with not only the collaborating projects branding but also the members Twitter PFP and username.

Figure 9. Personalised Boarding Pass for TBD Kitchen.
Figure 10. Personalised Boarding Pass for FrensRG (UDO).

Parting Words

So that’s it! That’s the BP Checker. We hope this article explains the system adequately enough and are already looking forward to our next large deliverable due for later this month which is [REDACTED]. If you have any questions regarding the BP Checker, feel free to drop a comment below or pop into our Discord. We also want to give a huge thank you to Bad Decisions Studio for helping us deliver this system with ease. Best of luck for evacuation Citizen. Signing out!

Written by Alan, Lead Smart Contract Engineer & Co-Founder of Ethereus




Ethereus is an NFT project on Ethereum with a primary focus on lore which is complemented by blockchain, tokenisation and digital experiences.