Ether Legends TCG— The Amulets (MFT’s) Enjin Imbued ERC-1155’s

Ether Legends Support
Ether Legends
Published in
6 min readJul 29, 2019

What you need to know about the Ether Legends Founder’s Token Sale

Creator’s Amulets for Ether Legends

What are these Amulets about?
The Amulets shown above, (also referred to as the Ether Legends Creator’s Amulets), are specifically designed to give early adopters amazing, well-defined rewards for holding these limited release, digital assets in your Ethereum-based wallet. Each of the Amulets offer a unique benefit and if all are collected, there is a bonus! Money raised during the sale will be used to continue the development of the digital game and smart contracts beyond the currently self-funded beta release.

Ether Legends Collectible Trading Card Game

What is Ether Legends again?
Elementeum Games is behind the Ether Legends Trading Card Game, featuring the merging of physical to digital trading cards on the Ethereum network (via: QR code) with engaging gameplay and astonishing artwork. As part of the Ether Legends ecosystem, Elementeum tokens can be obtained and used to perform specialized, on-chain mechanics that enable the creation of unique, player-owned crypto-collectibles — through a function called, ‘Forging.’ Ether Legends has also announced their intent to integrate Enjin primary through their digital trading card game and in-game rewards system! We are ‘ALL-IN’ with Enjin!

What exactly are the benefits of owning these Amulets?
Indefinite perpetual rewards as long as you hold the Amulets following the Digital game release!

Ether Legends — Men and Beasts Collectible Trading Cards

1. Creator’s Amulet of Elementeum ($50) — QTY: 500 (cap)
Hold Benefit: Claim one random set character card (current and future); once every 30 days

Additional Benefit: Every 1,000 Elementeum held, the rewards claim cooldown is reduced by 1 day until reduced to maximum benefit of 3 days (limit).

Frostfire Sword Item

2. Creator’s Amulet of Fire
($15) — QTY: 300 (cap)

Hold Benefit: Claim one random gem item card every 3 days (Gems equip to any item except companions)

3. Creator’s Amulet of Earth ($20) — QTY: 300 (cap)
Hold Benefit: Claim one random item card every 4 days (Equip to ‘Man” only characters)

4. Creator’s Amulet of Water ($25) — QTY: 300 (cap)
Hold Benefit: Claim one random item card every 5 days (Equip to ‘Beast’ only characters)

5. Creator’s Amulet of Air
($30) — QTY: 300 (cap)

Hold Benefit: Claim one companion item card every 6 days

Additional Benefit of the Title ‘Elemental Master’
Criteria: Must own all 5 Amulets (Creator’s Tokens)
Hold Benefit: Claim one unique, special edition, Legendary character card available ONLY to the Elemental Master (capped based on complete sets of Amulets sold and snap shot in time of current owners — TBD)

Note: Rewards are subject to change slightly based on implementation variances. The Amulet rewards will be implemented to the maximum extent possible.

Where will the Amulets be sold?
The Amulets will be released on the Ether Legends Store

How long will the Amulets be available and when will the sale begin?
Amulet sale start times will be staggered and only available for a limited duration. Start date: August 8th 06:00 (6AM) Mountain Standard Time

Amulet of Elementeum: August 8th — September 7th (30 days)
Amulet of Fire: August 8th — August 10th (3 days)
Amulet of Earth: August 11th — August 14th (4 days)
Amulet of Water: August 15th — August 19th (5 days)
Amulet of Air: August 20th — August 25th (6 days)

How many Amulets can I buy?
A limited quantity of 10 of each Amulet per wallet address, per purchase. If your order is paid and exceeds 10, the additional quantities paid will be refunded upon reconciliation of the orders. The team will take precaution in making sure the lowest quantity orders are the highest priority and reserved first.

When will the Amulets be distributed?
Amulets will be distributed incrementally based on the conclusion and reconciliation of each Amulet. Estimating ~3–5 days after conclusion of the Amulet sale at the latest. Note: Creation and distribution may vary based on the Enjin Mainnet release.

What happens to the Amulets that are not sold?
If the cap is not met, the team will either not mint any additional items or if pre-minted, the remainder will be melted, thus reducing the Amulets in circulation, never to be created again.

Will the Amulets be Enjin backed?
Absolutely! The Amulets will each be backed by 2 ENJ

When will the Amulet Founder’s functions be implemented into the game?
An exact date cannot be provided although, it will follow our Beta release of the digital game which is planned to be released at the end of 2019.

If I obtain all Amulets, get the title and special card, will I lose them if I no longer have the Amulets?
Two different answers… You will lose the title if you do not hold all of the Amulets. The Special Edition card of the Elemental Master is a one-time claim based on a (to be announced) snapshot in time of the holders of the complete set of Amulets at that time. Once the snapshot occurs, the Amulet holders receive the card permanently and will never be available to claim again.

What if I have 2 Amulets of the same type in one wallet address, will I get double the rewards?
No. Rewards are based on each individual or unique wallet address. Rewards do not double or stack for one wallet address holder with multiple quantities of the same type of Amulet. Constraints will be implemented to prevent such an action.

Are there any cross-collaboration rewards or benefits from owning other game MFT’s?

Ether Legends Mystery ERC1155 Asset

Currently, Ether Legends is working with Cryptonom to have a cross-collaboration reward to players that collect both and all of the Ether Legends Creator’s Amulets and Cryptonom’s Path Founder’s Tokens. Both games plan to provide an additional unique, ERC-1155 asset (TBD) based on those who hold all and both Ether Legends and Cryptonom Founder’s tokens (Total of two 1155’s, one from Ether Legends and one from Cryptonom). These items will be extremely limited and a snap shot of owners will be taken upon conclusion of the sale and once all tokens have been distributed.

If you have more questions, please reach out to the team on Telegram or Email or visit

