Mind The Gap: Email-as-a-Wallet in the Transition from Web2 to Web3

3 min readMay 22, 2024

The transition from Web2 to Web3 represents a fundamental shift in how we think about and engage with the Internet. One of the biggest developments in this transition is the integration of email services and digital wallets. Allowing smart contract wallets to be managed through emails has the potential to bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3, by providing newcomers an accessible way to enjoy the benefits of Web3 through a user experience they’re already fully familiar with and understand.

In this article, I will delve into the reasons why I believe Email-as-a-Wallet (EaaW) can be a transformative tool in the transition from Web2 to Web3.

Accessibility and Familiarity

It’s probably pretty safe to say that every person who has used the internet has likely sent an email. Although there are numerous social media channels and messaging apps, being the internet’s original communication tool, email remains the most well-known, used by billions daily. Integrating wallet functionalities into email services builds upon this existing infrastructure. By utilising a service that so many are already familiar with, barriers to adoption are lowered.

Simplified Onboarding

The difficulty of creating a cryptocurrency wallet has been one of the main obstacles to Web3 adoption. In addition to being challenging to navigate during the onboarding process, most user interfaces make it difficult to access the desired functions, which drives some users to give up on their wallets completely. Setting up wallets, managing private keys, and understanding blockchain transactions can be daunting for new users. Email-as-a-wallet simplifies this process by offering a familiar interface for creating and managing digital wallets. Users can seamlessly link their email accounts to their wallets, eliminating the need for separate registration and authentication procedures.

Enhanced Security and Safety

Email platforms are underpinned by strong security frameworks to safeguard users’ confidential data from unauthorised access. Users can take advantage of the same security measures, such as encryption protocols and multi-factor authentication, by incorporating wallet features. Additionally, email authentication mechanisms also add another level of trust because users are used to using email verification links to confirm their identities. Users’ concerns about the safety of their digital assets in the decentralised ecosystem are reduced thanks to this improved security and trust framework.

User-Centric Design and Experience

The incorporation of wallet features into email services places a premium on user-centric design principles, emphasising accessibility, simplicity, and intuitiveness. Email platforms now act as central repositories for documents, communication, and digital asset management. Because wallet management is centralised within recognisable interfaces, users can switch between features with ease. A thriving ecosystem of decentralised applications and services is brought together by this seamless user experience, which also increases engagement and retention.


The transition between Web2 and Web3 won’t happen overnight but Email-as-a-Wallet represents a pivotal step in bridging the gap, ushering in a new era of safety, security, and digital innovation. By leveraging the accessibility and familiarity of email services, adding the safety and security features of blockchain technology, simplifying the onboarding process, and cleaning up the user experience, Email-as-a-Wallet has the potential to drive the mainstream adoption of Web3.




EtherMail is building the bridge between Web2 & Web3 via email, bringing full inbox ownership, control, and sovereignty back to users.