Etherparty Beta Moves Into The Next Phase of Development

Etherparty Smart Contracts, Inc.
Published in
4 min readNov 6, 2017


The Etherparty beta launch is now complete and we would like to thank the crypto community for supporting us and believing in our platform. The feedback garnered from the global community has been valuable and will help us as we prepare to launch next year.

The Etherparty beta was launched on Oct.6 at 9 am PDT and by the time it wrapped up on Oct. 29 at 9 am PDT a total of 4,610 backers lent their support to the TDE (Token Distribution Event) raising over $30 million in contributions.

Contributors used ether (ETH) to participate in the TDE and purchase FUEL tokens. The Etherparty beta went live with three smart contracts enabling users to create their own ERC20-compliant Ethereum tokens, crowd funding contracts, and multi-party escrow agreements.

FUEL tokens will be sold on the Etherparty Platform.

Thanks to tremendous support, the recently launched Etherparty beta helped make significant advancements towards blockchain technology. The launch received global interest, with the majority of site visitors being male and a younger demographic aged 25–34 years of age.

Our analytics offered us valuable information about those visiting the ICO page. It would be expected that the majority of visitors would be interested in banking and finance, but to our surprise, a large portion of web traffic had an interest in television, video, arts and entertainment.

This information will help us shape our future communications and ensure that we are working to provide value to our clients in a medium they enjoy interacting with.

It’s no surprise the beta launch was a success as more than 500 pre-registered users couldn’t wait to be part of the platform. The intent of the beta program was to allow users to select features on a contract, from templates composed of fully tested code that has a history of use on the platform — to ensure bug-free smart contracts are always available to launch.

We are proud to announce that we are working on bringing the product to the mainstream by the first quarter of 2018. This comes at a great time as the industry is now valued at $2.3 billion and the demand for products such as Etherparty’s smart contract creation tool is at an all time high.

The user-friendly system was founded in 2015 by the Vanbex Group, and uses the blockchain to create smart contracts. The creation and management of smart contracts has the potential to dramatically expand the rate of commercial and consumer adoption of blockchain technology.

The initial platform will give Users access to content templates and a library, a backend system, authentication, cloud services, frontend systems, and the network.

By the end of Q1 we expect to launch release two which will include enterprise solutions, more feature in the library as well as contract templates, a mobile app, notifications, and an Oracle system.

As for now, we are working on expanding our dedicated team in areas such as research and development and are also actively growing our portfolio of partners while looking at current industry trends and advancements.

Etherparty is at the forefront of this cutting edge technology with its smart contract creation tool and will continue to make strides as we continue to collect valuable user feedback and fine-tune our platform.

The company has garnered global media coverage and is continuing to attract strong partnerships that will help the company gain more exposure and advance with its development.

If you haven’t already jumped aboard during our launch, it’s not too late to sign up as we continue to open the beta to batches of new users. Visit our website to learn more and be part of this revolutionary platform.

Please be advised that the purchasing of FUEL tokens are solely for the purpose of receiving services, participating in the Etherparty Ecosystem, and supporting the development, testing, deployment and operation of the Etherparty Ecosystem, as set forth in the Etherparty Smart Contracts Inc. (Etherparty) Crowdsale Terms and Conditions (the Terms and Conditions). You have acknowledged to and agreed with Etherparty that you are aware of the commercial risks associated with Etherparty, the purchase of FUEL tokens and the Etherparty Ecosystem, and you have acknowledged to and agreed with Etherparty that you are not purchasing FUEL tokens for any other purposes other than use and consumption on the Etherparty Ecosystem, including, but not limited to, any investment, speculative or financial purpose.



Etherparty Smart Contracts, Inc.

Enabling a More Connected and Inclusive World Through Blockchain and Smart Contract Technology